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World AIDS Day! A moment to THINK!
Author/Source: Dr.Henna Khan (Gynaecologist for Sexual & Reproductive Health)  (henna.khan@royalberkshire.nhs.uk) Posted by: serving humanity
Hits: 4685 Rating: 0 (0 votes) Comments: 0 Added On: Wednesday, December 2, 2009 Rate this article

What we want and where are we going. Is Treatment better than Prevention??

At a BASHH Course (British Association of Sexual Health and HIV) last year in Piccadilly Circus London, one of the lecturers exclaimed, "I am surprised how people are travelling peacefully in the trains and having coffee in the restaurants of this city, when London is going to blast off soon with AIDS!" I just looked at the nearly 90 degrees graph of the rising statistics he projected on the projector and thousands of innocent young & beautiful faces came in front of my eyes that I saw that morning while travelling from Berks to London-on the roads, trains and buses. They deserve to live, they deserve to remain as fresh flowers as they are, it is their right to enjoy the blessings of this life and youth God has granted them with. The Devil must not be able to snatch their smiles away; the society must not leave them to die in the hands of evil. They need to be educated about the preventive measures to protect them from the deadly virus like HIV.

Not only the education about the use of protection because NHS has been spending millions giving out free protective measures to under 25's since many years now, but the rate of STIs(Sexually Transmitted Infections) & teenage pregnancy has still been on the rise. Why? Because there are other factors working alongside. Most young and old that attend STI clinics are in a state of regret-reporting loss of senses by excessive Alcohol or peer pressures or other mental stresses working in the back ground.

Religion or God does not stop us from having fun in life, rather there is a verse in the Qur'an Chap 5(Al Maida) which states to Ask them that who has prohibited the ornaments & beauty of life that God has created for humans. But it's the misuse and excess of things that leads to disaster.
The time period of 0.08 seconds of the phase of 'Climax' in the sexual activity graph remains 0.08 seconds, no matter how many or how frequently sexual partners are changed~ whether it's the "same old boring husband or wife/spouse" or a new fresh partner in your bed every weekend! So why to take this risk of not only health , rather Life. Can the world afford these "posh" life styles any more? Where leaders of the world are moaning about the Financial and Credit Crunch night and day? Why the poor have to be more poor now and hungry more hungry, but the life styles of certain classes must not change? Why so musch fuss about TERRORISM and EXTREMISM and no mention of this extremism in the day to day living? Why our leaders don’t pursue people to live and utilize more sensibly. One preventive course of AIDS which is not even a 100% guarantee to prevent AIDS costs over £600/ to the NHS(National Health Trust) for a month worth treatment which is only being spent because someone somewhere has done a ‘mistake’ just because he or she had a ‘bit of a too much to drink’ which again costs unbelievable loss to NHS, the tax payer’s money! There has been a Bill Board erected in Wembley on main A40 road, I noticed the other night while returning from London, which is warning that it costs 2 Billion pounds to NHS every year to manage the patients who attend with the consequences of excessive drinking of Alcohol.

If not for the sake of Accountability to the Creator, atleast for the sake of this worldly life we ought to CHANGE~ if we do wish to LIVE and let LIVE!!For the sake of our young and innocent generations. Otherwise the Deamon of AIDS and other such evils will swallow them up in front of our eyes and we will not be able to save these "Red Roses and Golden Buds"!!

"World AIDS Day the 1st December

Started on 1st December 1988, World AIDS Day is about raising money, increasing awareness, fighting prejudice and improving Education. The World AIDS Day theme for 2009 is 'Universal Access and Human Rights'. World AIDS Day is important in reminding people that HIV has not gone away:

7,700 new diagnoses in the UK in 2008
There are over 80,000 people living with HIV in the UK."

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