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[quote]Salam to All, In continuation of my early reply….. Quote: “ EXISTING SCRIPTURES”, U add word EXISTING in place of word “ YE/YOU” (what previous prophets possed- means ‘SCRIPTURES’), in this way u ADD QURAN itself in this circle, BUT actually Quran is not mentioned here, but it is Quran, which is confirming all previos scriptures. To CONFIRM ALL existing scriptures including quran is not concerned here totally. So see in this regard the verse (5:48) where Quran confirm all previous scriptures. MY REPLY:- [:p][:o)][^][b]Do you think that Qur’an was existing at that time but not his(Muhammad’s) possession OR do you think that Qur’an was not existing at that time??? Please tell me at first which one you think. After knowing from your end in this regard I shall InshAllah reply to you.[/b] I think you again try to create an illusion between the two words EXISTING and POSSESSION to confuse other believers of this forum. [b]The real truth is that the verse 3:81 clearly says that ‘covenant took from the PROPHETS….. as Muhammad was also prophet, so he is also included in this covenant (it is also proved in verse 33:7) and also the Qur’an, which was sent through him. [/b] Now read very carefully the verse 3:81 part by part and consider; “GOD took a covenant from the prophets, saying, "I will give you the scripture and wisdom”. As Muhammad was also prophet and Almighty God gave him scripture/wisdom, then he is also INCLUDED IN THIS COVENANT. As an another proof of it you can also see the verse 33:7) Afterwards, a messenger will come to confirm all existing scriptures{or which prophets are possessed).Since Muhammad was also possessed Qur’an, then IT is also included in this covenant. 2ndly, in this sentence, the word AFTERWARDS are very indicative. It means after all of them or after all of the scriptures. If not, then GOD would not have used this word ‘AFTERWARDS’ here. This sentence also tells us the duty of that incoming messenger, which will be TO CONFIRM THE SCRIPTURES. Muhammad did not confirm QUR’AN. He only delivered IT to the mankind. Also I proved from the Qur’an that all messengers were not prophet and Muhammad was a messenger prophet and this verse tells about a messenger not messenger prophet, so Muhammad was not the messenger about whom this verse tells us. Quote: Allah sent scriptures to all the messengers and prophets too, MY REPLY:- Not true. Messengers who were Prophets were only given the scriptures. Almighty God did not send scriptures through the messengers who were not prophets. e.g. Saleh…..(3:81) Quote:- but sometimes messengers and prophets come first to deliver their message and after that scriptures are given, as Mosa was given book later. But they start delivering their messages as soon as they receive inspiration. MY REPLY:- That does not mean that messengers, who were not prophets, were given scriptures. Quote: Brother I read, therefore I asked u, as u deliberately do not want to give reply that it may cause more trouble for u then it is ok. I do not mind. Brother if I understood then y I did trouble u knowledgeable person. By the way those who lead or betray others will get reward from HIS lord. Remember! MY REPLY:- If you had red then you could not ask me this idiotic question. You deliberately don’t try to understand the meaning of the verses 53:2-5 Brother, if any one sleep with open his eyes, then what can I do??? Do you know who will incur a shameful retribution??? Please see; [red][31:6] Among the people, there are those WHO UPHOLD BASELESS HADITH, and thus divert others from the path of GOD without knowledge, and take it in vain. These have incurred a shameful retribution[/red]. To be continued………..[/quote]
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