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Where is our one and only sister Moderator?
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[quote]Khan's identities have been and persistently being blocked from the site hence she ether has to use a pen name or send her message across. I think we all will have to accept the fact that Khan has been a target of jealousy by her own Muslim brother colleagues because of her immense sincerity, commitment, passion and above average performance that was based on her unshakable faith, that itself became a threat to the identity and recognition of the brothers working in the UK. As she has questioned that although due to her persistent and extra ordinary consciousness about 'shirk e khafi' and getting more attached to organizations and personalities rather than work, she has repeatedly been expressing this concern of her's to the Dean and her teacher in the past also, but to her amazement, after the recent internal politics for the region and her being felt isolated in all this, a lot of interest was expressed by the UIUK president in her resignation and this time he made sure that this must happen! She expresses that he obviously is lead by the rest of his team and management of Almawrid. She strongly felt that the admin of the websites she works with including Shehzad Saleem had been under immense pressure by the management of UIUK and Almawrid both. This was all a news for her too and a shock to her image of the 'Angelic Version' of the organization, hence she wished to bring these facts to attention because as she expressed, it brought many faces out of veil and this type of mean politics could be deadly for the sincere works of her heroes i.e. Javed Ghamidi and Shehzad Saleem, who she believes are the innocent characters of this whole play, being messed up by the management and donors of the organization and she would never like to harm their hard earned work and efforts to bring the Truth to the world. In fact she is still involved in the introduction of this message at whatever level she can promote. She has described that how she took all the commitments in the community at every step after mutual consultation personally with Shehzad Saleem and the other brothers here involved with Almawrid's work, be it Studying Islam UK, Studying Islam Communities, Serving Humanity, Renaissance Readers Club UK, Pakistan Welfare Association, Faith Partnership or anything else and did not consider her time or money or any other resources more important than supporting this noble cause of the organization of almawrid but how she felt heart broken when finally she was given the title of just a habitual 'social worker'!whose works were of no value or benefit to Almawrid, hence isolating her completely when it was time to join hands for which she had been striving with passion and hard works. This happens in all worldly set ups and this one has been no different because as she has written "Human After All" with a smile in one of the scripts of her book, My Lover- My Killer. Most of us have been a target of of racial and religious discrimination in the West, more so since 9/11, but sadly Khan has also been a target of gender and kinship discrimination by her own religious brothers and colleagues whom she rendered high and looked up to them to support her work clarifying the misconceptions about Islam globally and specially in the West, so that not only her Muslim brothers and sisters and the Deen of Muhammad SAW who she classes as her Super hero, are supported through these difficult times that they are facing here and everywhere, but also the sincere people of the public from other religions could also be benefited by this beautiful message of peace. Khan's message is just to be aware and learn our lessons but to please continue with all your good works without harming the basic message of this organization.[/quote]
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