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Arguments regarding the existance of God
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[quote]Assalaamu’alaikum, Dear Naina, I am very much thankful to you for reading my post. We are brothers and sisters on the basis of which we are gathered here. This is the only effective way to learn Islam and during this process some sort of involuntary and unintentionally bitterness, I think, is within the norms. It is important to note that you had still not passed even a single word of comments on the nature of the topic of discussion as I have already asked for not thinking upon this. You must be first to condemn this topic. This attitude favours your one sided deviation to me. No doubt Quran is first and I have already confessed my mistake but there are many other commandments of Quran, which seem to be the same as are disobeyed unintentionally by every one of us and may also amount to blasphemy as you mentioned. These are as follows (I do not know their exact numbers in Holy Quran). 1. As in Holy Quran, “ No body can know about the unseen or hidden things but Allah” We are knowing and seeing through different media (like radio, TV, telephone, internet etc), almost every thing (audio, video live or recorded) from all over the world that is hidden and unseen. These media are much more powerful and their accuracy rate is as high as the reality and we can see as low as in the bottom of the oceans and as high as inside the moon, and also exactly about the future e.g. about the weather and changes in the solar system. 2. As in Holy Quran, “ No body can know the time of death but Allah”. Most of the times the doctors assess the time of death of the patient and that is often true. 3. As in Holy Quran, “Only God knows in the womb of the mother” We, not only know exactly about the sex of the foetus before delivery but also can produce the sex of choice also. 4. As in Holy Quran “ The earth is fixed – static (not revolving) but almost all of us believe still in the revolving. 5. As in Holy Quran, “God gives everything” but in our daily life we do not always take the name of God primarily e.g. Abdullah gave me employment in his office. The use of name Abdullah instead of God is same as I used the words in the data. Have you not read these important issues in Quran? Are you using Quran only for the selected purpose? Are all above points blasphemous? What do you mean by blasphemy? Do not take it please as a common dictionary word but a term according to Quran and Sunnah and correct your understanding before someone be victimised again by you. You must not forget that regarding thinking about God there is absolutely no difference among us and almost all Non-muslims. More over it must not be forgotten too that “Haquq-ul-Ibad” (Human rights) are more score making to hell than “Haququllah”(Allah’s rights) and this is very important to escape from this negative balance at the “The Day of Judgement”. Regarding matter and gravity, there definitions are not the final but may be changeable with the passage of time. If we accept these as final then it is very clear that we feel absolutely no difference between the definitions of “matter and gravity” and verses of Holy Quran and this is a true evidence of indirect unintentional false belief in Holy Quran. You must know that human Embryology after all the researches, in the medical books is described same as mentioned in Holy Quran and similarly many others in medicine have been proved as said 1500 years ago. If the theories of Aristotle and others are being nullified subsequently, why not those of Newton, Einstein or Archimedes, and only Holy Quran will remain unchanged as promised by God. So after some years all the concepts may change and people will know a static earth with all new meanings of “matter and gravity”. These changes are present but we do not know. On the other hand, In Quran God has been called a big source of light - Nur (I do not know in what context) If light, “How can it be explained?” CONCLUSION ************** 1. Regarding thinking about God (as yours) there is absolutely no difference among us and almost all the Non-muslims. May be a Non-muslim has a more firm belief than you and you are giving the reference of Salafi scholars. 2. “Haquq-ul-Ibad” are more difficult to compensate than “Haququllah” and this is very important to escape from this negative balance at the “The Day of Judgement”. We must seek those people first if we want God’s pleasure, as they have the ticket for us to paradise. So “Haququllah” may not much affect the way to paradise. 3. Thinking in wide field, even in the commandments of Quran is very important otherwise many innocent people might have been hanged in the courts. May Allah help improving our higher cognitive functions and forgive us, Aameen! Dr. Akhlaq[/quote]
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