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Understanding the Sunnah
Module2: Another view point regarding the Sunnah
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[quote]My understanding about The Qur'an, Sunnah and Hadith is. Qur'an: Muslims believe is the Book of Allah that has been sent to Mankind through the Prophet Muhammad sws.The Holy Prophet sws taught ( oral and documantry transmission)it to his Companions. This Book has been transferred from the Companions of the Holy Prophet sws to successive generations of Muslims with full consesus and unanmity on its immutability to date. Sunnah: are those Abrahamic practices and rituals that were adopted by the Holy Prophet sws, in some cases after some modifications, and instituted among his followers as integral part of religion. Sunnah are practical actions, and have been transferred from the Holy Prophet sws by practical demonstration(practical transmission) to his Companions, and from them through each successive generations of Muslim Ummah, who have continued to practice them with full consensus and unanimity to date. Essentials of Sunnah include. 1. They are practical actions not a doctrine, they are either religious practices or actually related with activities of daily living. 2.They were instituted by the Holy Prophet sws and not the Qur'an. 3.Sunnah are only those actions that were initiated by the Holy Prophet sws as integral part of religion. It excludes those practices that the Holy Prophet sws did not initiate as Sunnah. 4. excludes Prophetic teachings. 5. Cannot be established through individual reports, require agreement and Consensus of Muslim Ummah. The significance of Sunnah is that it provides concrete shape to Muslim faith and bestows identity to Muslim Ummah. Hadith.is defined as the individual-to-individual narratives ascribed to the Holy Prophet sws regarding his sayings, actions, expressed or tacit approvals and his personal description. these include. 1. Life History of Holy Prophet sws, including his meeting with people and important events in his time, as narrated by his followers. 2. Uswa-i-Hasna.record of Holy Prophet's sws every day life, rituals and routine,these include those things that he liked but did not authorize there initiation as essential part of religion. 3.record of answers to questions and explanations given to his followers on different aspects of religion. 4.record of explanations about commandments in the Qur'an and sunnah to his followers. Hence in light of above I disagree that "Sunnah is the explanation of Qur'an "in its literal sense.It provides details of certain religious obligations like salaat, fasting and Haj, but sunnah does not provide an explanation of the entire Qur'an. I also disagree that sunnah were constituted with collecting of true hadiths and interpretations of them. The basic requirement for Sunnah and Qur'an is the Consensus of the Muslim Ummah in successive generations from the Holy Prophatsws to date.Hadith being individual narratives cannot constitute sunnah.see POINT 5 essentials of Sunnah mentioned above. I also disagree that Qur'an provides explanation of all things and means for men to be rightly guided. My understanding is that it provides the basic and general principles for all matters and specific guidance for selected areas. Allah has not created man blind.Allah has provided innate Guidance to man, Revelealed Guidance is provided where innate Guidance is not sufficient.As Allama Iqbal put it Religion is not "zabita-i- hayat" it is "zaviah-i- hayat". I stand to be corrected but I am not aware that Qur'an provides information about how to perform salaat and ablution. My understanding is that we learn how to perform salaat and ablution from Sunnah.[/quote]
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