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Permission from first wife
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[quote]>>5.96 It is made halal for you the hunt of the sea and its eating.... The verse goes like this: "Lawful to you is the pursuit of water-game and its use for food,- for the benefit of yourselves and those who travel; but forbidden is the pursuit of land-game;- as long as ye are in the sacred precincts or in pilgrim garb. And fear Allah, to Whom ye shall be gathered back." (Al-Maaidah 5:96) The verse is allowing game of the sea, and banning game of the land. It is not stating what is to be eaten form the sea. Please see http://www.understanding-islam.org/related/text.asp?type=discussion&did=350 and we can discuss more on this. >>Note there are no restrictions on what kind of sea-food is halal......when all are clearly allowed in the Quran. There are many issues which are not EXPLICITLY forbidden by the Koran but are rather accepted as natural prohibitions as opposed to Shariah prohibitions. eg: eating carnivores, anal sex, homosexuality to name a few. >>that you are trying to make a law and ban something that is allowed. lets replace the word ban with discourage. >>It is not sanctioned by Allah to require permission, there must be some wisdom in that. Please respect that and keep it that way. Ofcourse I respect God's Law, but what I cannot condone is wrong interpretation. In my opinion, multiple marriages are discouraged (this could be contested) and that is when the Koran talks of equal treatment et al. And also when the Koran mentions specifically of the objective of taking care of widows and orphans. I think these conditions or objectives clearly restrain the scope of multiple marriages. A different opinion is as follows: According, to Moiz Amjad, the Koran neither allows and neither forbids multiple marriages, it simply alludes to the practice prevalent in 7th century Arabia. Anyways, In this regard, the Koran simply grants us guidelines. Legislation is left to man depending upon situation and circumstances. I have not brought the second issue of taxation in this regard, i.e., to make it costly to have multiple marriages. But anyways, an alternative opinion for thought: http://www.understanding-islam.org/related/text.asp?type=question&qid=530 .....I would propose that rather than making the permission of the first wife a mandatory requirement for a second marriage, an Islamic state may promulgate a law whereby a person is required to satisfy a court of law regarding the social and moral justification of his decision regarding second marriage. The court, if it is satisfied that the action is being taken in conjunction with the provisions of the Shari`ah may allow such a second marriage, and where it is not, the court may disallow it[3]. In this way, we shall not only be able to protect against nullifying the wisdom of the Shari`ah but shall also safeguard the misuse of the allowance given by the Qur'an . >> but there are already laws for protecting rights of women, ....We need to learn these laws and follow them, and that would be sufficient for us, inshallah. Do you suppose the already existing laws have been sufficient in protecting women rights? I think not. Infact even including permission of first wife has not been sufficient. I personally know of several cases of multiple marriages gone wrong, not to mention the cases espoused by human rights groups. I think we have reached a deadlock. So let us begin from the beginning. Let me ask you a question. Does the Koran impose any condition for second marriage, i.e., what is the objective of multiple marriage? Also note the following: Women not allowing second marriage is a generalization as good as man marrying a widow for the second time. No man will ruin his marriage, if he really is faithful to his wife, for a widow. Therefore, are we not condoning legalized sex and liberal after marriage conduct through multiple marriage allowance. Edited by: junaidj on Wednesday, December 29, 2004 8:51 AM[/quote]
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