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[quote]contd: [green]Page 3 3GREATER attitude to life. WHOLISTICALLY means taking into regard the individual’s body, mindand HIGER potential.I support the mind-body medicine paradigm which states that the body influences the mind and themind influences the body. Generally, the idea is that a healthy body follows a happy mind and ahappy mind follows a healthy body. If one’s body is suffering form chronic toxicity and poornutrition (often caused by our modern fast food diet) then that will definitely influence the mindnegatively and in some instances even cause depression. If one’s mind is constantly under stressthen we know from the science of Psychoneuroimmunology that that will negatively influence yourbody and cause disease. Looking at depression this way you can be empowered that you can dosomething about it. Remember that abundance of health, including abundance of mental health isyour own creation and so is the lack of it. Choose to listen to people who tell you that you can dosomething about it, don’t listen to people or institutions that tell you that it is beyond your control.Having a basic understanding of the mind-body paradigm is the basis of all health and wellness.treatment options –Choose a treatment that really supportsHEALTH , WELLNESS & HAPPINESSThis basically comes down to you having a CHOICE of either fighting your depression orWORKING with it creatively. I personally recommend WORKING with it due to the fact that whatyou resist will naturally persist. This is the way the mind works. I encourage my clients to see theirtime of depression as ME time and as a way of reflecting and getting to know yourself. This isTRUE personal development. Overcoming your SELF CREATED fear of looking at the depression isone of the first steps that you will need to take on your journey to recovery. In order to findhappiness you must be willing to learn to gradually embrace and work with your ownunhappiness. Depression can be a great source of change and inspiration. It all depends how youCHOOSE to look at it!Being a professional hypnotherapist I support the natural view of understanding and treatingdepression. There are nowadays many wonderful and successful treatment options ranging fromhomeopathic medicine to psychotherapy and of course hypnotherapy. I have personallyexperienced all of the above therapeutic modalities in WORKING with my own depression andhence recommend these from experience rather than just theory. I also acknowledge that there is apositive and responsible use of antidepressant medication, especially in cases where thedepression is really severe, (also referred to as major or clinical depression). However, on thewhole I feel that there are better and usually more successful alternatives to that of often toxicpsychotropic drugs.One of the natural methods which you can explore is Integrative Hypnotherapy. IntegrativeHypnotherapy is humanistic in nature and incorporates the transpersonal view of the mind, in otherwords it views the PERSON in its totality, namely: having a body, psyche and HIGHER potential.This attitude towards healing accepts that optimum health can only be achieved when all theselevels are integrated and working in unison Integrative Hypnotherapy employs the cognitivebehavioural model and acknowledges that depression is caused by vicious negative and selfdefeating thought patterns with then turn into painful feelings, forming a painful depressed habit. In -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 4 4order to change the habit of depression we need to change the thoughts that create it. Toaccomplish this we sometimes use Analytical hypnosis to uncover the root of such negativethoughts, as well as hypnotic suggestion therapy to directly reprogram those negative defeatingself statements into positive, happy and encouraging self statements.In my practice I also utilise Bio-energy therapy especially when the client feels emotionallyexhausted and has troublesome physical symptoms. One or two sessions of Bio-energy therapy willusually settle and balance the psycho-neurological system and calm down the situation. Once thatis accomplished we can then start working with the mind using hypnotherapy.finding encouragement –YOU have a CHOICE!In order to encourage yourself into this WORKING with attitude you can try reading a book or astory of someone who has overcome their depression. Accept that they did it and remind yourselfthat it is possible to be happy. At this point let this reminder be a cognitive fact rather than anemotional realisation. I say cognitive fact as you might not yet be in a position to actually realisethat given the right attitude and approach you can make sense of the depression, let it go and bereasonably happy. Finding a positive role model is very important in any recovery. We can gainstrength and inspiration from such influences, and we can rest assured that it will all be ok at theend. Reminding yourself that there is hope for recovery is what can give you the necessaryencouragement to positively WORK with the depression which is affecting you. Having said thisYOU are the one that needs to find the strength, which is going to help you in working with thedepression. Some people find it by reminding themselves that others have overcome it, whileothers find encouragement in spirituality and prayer while still others find it in supportive familyrelationships.Having this unique and realistic attitude is the most important aspect of the treatment of the personexperiencing depression. Notice that I said the treatment of the person and not the treatment of thedepression. This is also a uniquely different attitude to that of some of the narrow minded orthodoxtherapeutic models which see you as being sick and therefore in need of fixing. In fact you don’tneed any fixing. You need support, openness, acceptance, love and freedom to explore and notfixing. There is nothing broken, all that there is, is an imbalance of forces. Once you can have amore supportive and compassionate attitude towards yourself and your depression things will bemuch easier.support yourselfSo as you can see there is an alternative way of looking at yourself and the depression that youare experiencing. You can see it as a curse and hence as a huge problem or you can choose tosee it as a kind of internal misunderstanding, something that can be explored, processed andunderstood, re-aligned and let go of. The journey to recovery is not an easy one, but it is also notthat difficult once you have accepted it and choose to work with it creatively. Hypnotherapy cangreatly support this process to recovery. Feel free to contact me for more information on how I canhelp you become happier. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 5 5We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts,We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts,We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts,We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts,we make the worldwe make the worldwe make the worldwe make the world– aZen sayingFor more information on treatment visitwww.robertgebka.orgwww.purtonhousecentre.com[/green][/quote]
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