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Women's Role in Video Entertainment
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[quote]Assalam Alaikum .. “Quoted Surgeonakhlaque” “First of all I could not understand that the discussion was started as “Women's role in video entertainment” then jumped to “Women's role in acting in drama and movies” According to me a woman can entertain herself within the home only by clean dramas and movies, not outside the home to entertain or act in some dramas or movies in spite all the purification because the society is ready every time to get a chance and the problems usually start from the doubts and the misunderstandings. At the home, I said about only clean dramas and movies but I am sorry to say that sometime unexpectedly, objectionable scene comes e.g. Once I was watching National Geographic Channel at a hotel considering a clean channel showing only animals. I saw a deer running here and there and ultimately he caught the female hidden in the trees, and did the all within no time. So sometimes at these occasions there is no time to change the channel or switch off the TV. I mean that only those channels must be watched which the women as well as men are sure about, and same for the children regardless of the gender. If there is no agreement on the video entertainment for the women, I assure that nobody can stop to watch PTV in Pakistan from 9.00PM to 9.30PM daily.” I think surgeonakhlaque really could not understand. He differentiated between women role in video entertainment & women acting in video entertainment very nicely. I would not say much but just repeat his saying words as he says” According to me a woman can entertain herself within the home only by clean dramas and movies, not outside the home to entertain or act in some dramas or movies in spite all the purification because the society is ready every time to get a chance and the problems usually start from the doubts and the misunderstandings.” In his saying words’ does this show a role of woman or acting of a woman or both? Moreover, he read the first few lines narrated by Moderator Sadia, and repeated same in his own words then to explain, he only says “yes” to the said statement of Moderator Sadia which she put base of her asked following questions” The questions then are: 1) Do you consider entertainment movies a desirable past-time every now and then, given that you disregard the objectionable ones, and why? What about simple TV dramas? 2) And given that you get a 'clean' movie or programme, would the idea of women working with non-mahram men be acceptable to you, given they act as their wives, mothers, sisters,...for the sake of art? If we say “yes” or “no” , then above asked questions have no mean. Surgeon akhlaque says that woman should entertain within the home because if she comes out and tries to entertain herself, then this may cause her disregard as society is ready every time to get a chance and the problems usually start from the doubts and the misunderstandings. Then I would suggest to surgeonakhlaque not to act any operation of a patient because this may cause his/her death, and a man should not come out of his home because road accidents may cause his death, an electrician should not work because this work may cause his death, a pilot should not work because falling of airplane may cause his death, only lions should live in jungle and the rest animals leave the ground because lions may kill them and the rest lost their lives. He also suggested that if there is a purification in the society or a women thinks that it right time now then she can come out and entertain herself but I say if there is no purification then what should do a woman?. If a woman who has no guardian then how she can works or entertain herself until she gets marry to have a man. If a man think there is rush to cross the road and this may cause his accident then do he should not cross the road, and stay there when all is clear. From the birth of human being, every thing has been made, good & bad, honesty & dishonesty ….etc. if there is only good then how you can differentiate or say that it is good? And if there is only bad then how you can say it is bad? When you do not find opposite of each thing, you can not know and differentiate. Your duty is to be good & guide others at your best level to be the same. Do not do bad & let not others do the same. Regading channels, I also watched National Geographic Channel, and fortunately there were many scenes as you expressed one of them that “Once I was watching National Geographic Channel at a hotel considering a clean channel showing only animals. I saw a deer running here and there and ultimately he caught the female hidden in the trees, and did the all within no time.” And all these scenes were revealed to show this that sex is a word used for all and every one knows its importance, expressions but how Allah has treated animals the same thing but every animal act this differently. A deer acts this differently than a lion, a lion acts this differently than an elephant and so on every animal shows different emotion and an expression as created but sex is same. You know Allah says look at my creation and know me, do you have no wisdom. Now it is your sense how do you see this, as a sex or sigh of creations by Allah. W.Salam A.Karime Jacobabad[/quote]
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