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[quote]A.A (Irsalfwalsh) Nice to see you again, I have already replied to your last post’ comments against of my second post in the same forum but it could be said your luck or my misfortunate; I think you could not read; if you read I assure, you would have not been able to read any more, as it was deleted by the orgintors of this forum. I also do not want to post it again because this may heart you. Ok, it’s what Allah wanted. Regarding your next post, I shall try best to define my statement. My stat. Then, whatever HE/SHE IS GOING TO PERFORM IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION, no one can abuse, disregard, disaster, demolish and offense her/him. Even if they work collectively in of ring of savages, uncivilized or impolite humans. If they do harm..., then she/he can’t halt and accurate them but notify or suggest, but they can save themselves and it is their right. Your Ref: Please explain that right direction and, is that allowed in Islam? If allowed then quote for defense of the statement. I think if you read my statement completely and tried to look into with deep consideration, you would not have to ask this question. As I stated it in the first few lines “Allah has created everything. Everything is made excellently and arranged nicely at their right spaces. Qualities and powers are given them to work or obey pleasantly what they are created for and taught.” And you did not understand the meaning or purpose of these first lines; and asked a question refereed above. Further, We have been created nothing but to obey Allah, it is Allah who showed us many paths but there is one right one; and it is the only direction that leads back us to Allah with blissful faces. This (direction) is made up of sayings or orders or advices...of Allah. This is the direction that can help us to know Allah. It is found in Holy Books of Allah and Sunnah Rasule ( Mohammad S.A.W). Allah told this direction to His prophets clearly to spread it widely to the people for those these directions had been given them. Now obeying and conveying people, they faced many difficulties but never left their mission. These prophets did accordingly; and Allah bestowed them their rewards in their lives and called them His beloved. This is the only real reward that it was given by Allah to them and this is the most important reward than of those people’s reward that we give each other. They also faced dirty people who called them names and tried to hatch conspiracies to disregard them. They did not pay attention to them. They faced all these difficulties in the end and whenever they saw any unbreakable difficulty and unsafe their lives called Allah for help them, Allah helped them because He is the only Helper. And you must have read or heard that some Rasules or Prophets were killed by them, these were those who tried to their best accordingly and last their lives in the way of Allah; and Allah called them His beloved. So in the same way if you are doing right ( according to laws of Allah ) then do not worry about those who say........ And also try to save your life or others live in a best way. If you are killed or disregarded, this keep no importance for you. Allah will regard you. It is the direction that creates Islam; not it is Islam that creates this direction. So how can you say “ is it allowed in Islam?” Moreover, next one. My stat. In Europe and many other countries sex is considered as symbol of love, fashion and demand of the current era. But who think and see can know how much this is imperative or essential in a life. Your ref: What does it mean? No doubt sex is imperative or essential in a life. If people know not much about the sex then why population is increasing rather more in the illiterate people. Increasing or growing of population is not because of sex awareness. Sex is not a material or commodity that we need to explain it in front of people to show merits or demerits; when people know this then they use or don’t it. It is a sense like when a thirsty of water feels for water or a hungry for meal. We not need to tell him that he should use water for thirst; and you know a mad man uses all these needs even we do not tell him. Increasing of population is not bad; decreasing or unutilization or unawareness to the resources is bad. Show or let me know from Holy Quran, Hadith or Sunnah that increasing of population is disagreeable. Further as I used European for symbol of sex, it does not mean that only they know the importance of it but they use it beyond its boundaries; and I believe they know this or they will know this one day. I also believe that who commits sin or do good deeds know it very well or will know one day or in the end of their lives; you must heard of such persons like “FIROAN” ‘ABUJIHL” AND MANY MORE; because there are many beloved of Allah & His signs in nature or in the earth that they will speak to them the real truth. Now if any one knows it and does not turn according to the laws of Allah, he is called disbeliever. A.KARIME JACOBABAD[/quote]
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