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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]Salam cares, Quote: I agree if the context is so as I mentioned, but I consider prophet Muhammad (pbuh) as last messenger too, for the following reasons. U know well brother, nowhere it is mentioned that “Quran” is last book of Allah, but yet we all consider it is last because of the following verses of holy Qura’n, (2:213, 57:25, 5:03, 33:40) REPLY:- In your referred verse 2:213 Almighty Allah says that HE sent down the scriptures with the prophets. Also in some other verses HE says so. Whenever God mentions prophethood in the Quran, He mentions scripture and sometimes wisdom. The association of prophethood and scripture cannot be missed except by those blocked by God from seeing the truth. The following are some examples (3:79, 6:89,29:27,45:16,57:26). That means Almighty Allah sent the scriptures with the prophet. In 33:40 Almighty Allah says that Muhammad is the last prophet, that means no prophet will come and as no prophet will come then no scripture will also come as Almighty God sent scriptures only through the prophets. So Qur’an is the last scripture. But not in the case of messenger as you claimed. You did not consider the verse 3:81 before giving your opinion. The verse clearly says that ‘After all prophets A Messenger will come. Also in some other verses Almighty Allah says that He sends the messenger as and when HE feels necessary. Therefore, after considering all verses it is clear that Muhammad was not the last messenger. Now come to your 2nd referred verse 57:25. This verse says that Almighty Allah sent the scriptures with the messenger. Brother All prophets were messengers and Almighty Allah sent scriptures through the prophets, so this verse says about the messenger who were also prophets. You can’t come any conclusion regarding some subject by reading only one verse. In this particular case You should read 57:25 along with 3:81 and verse 3:81 it clearly says after all prophets a messenger will come TO CONFIRM THE EXISTING SCRIPTURES, that means he will not bring any new scripture, he will only confirm the existing scriptures. Therefore, it is proved that Almighty Allah does not send scriptures through all messengers. Also this verse(57:25) does not say about ALL MESSENGERS. 1. No both have not been given books e.g. 3:81. No the terms prophets and messenger are not same thing. Perhaps one of the strongest indications in the Quran that the words prophet and messenger do not have the same meaning, is found in the following verse: "We did not send before you any MESSENGER NOR A PROPHET, without having the devil interfere in his wishes. GOD then nullifies what the devil has done. GOD perfects His revelations. GOD is Omniscient, Most Wise." 22:52 If the words prophet and messenger had the same meaning God would not be saying "MESSENGER NOR A PROPHET" ...... would He ? Had the two words had exactly the same meaning , then mentioning one of them would have been sufficient. 2. Wrong. Messenger come to guide the mankind and Almighty Allah sends them as and when HE fells necessary God reveals the contents of the scripture according to His Infinite Wisdom. Some matters are kept hidden for an appointed time that God has ordained. God reveals some of these matters through messengers that he chooses. "He is the Knower of the 'ghaib' (unseen); He does not reveal the ghaib to anyone. Only to a messenger that He chooses, does He reveal from the past and the future, specific news. This is to ascertain that they have delivered their Lord's messages. He is fully aware of what they have. He has counted the numbers of all things." 72:26-28 Many who corrupt God's truth to uphold their own idolatry are guilty of deliberately hiding important issues inside the scripture from the people. God sends messengers to expose the idolatry of such people and to reveal these prime issues: "O people of the scripture, OUR MESSENGER HAS COME TO YOU TO PROCLAIM FOR YOU MANY THINGS YOU HAVE CONCEALED IN THE SCRIPTURE, and to pardon many other transgressions you have committed. A beacon has come to you from God, and a profound scripture." 5:15 Messengers are also sent to give good news to the believers and also warn the disbelievers: "We do not send the messengers except as DELIVERERS OF GOOD NEWS, AS WELL AS WARNERS." 6:48 3. No prophet will come but messenger will come e.g. 3:81 Your conclusion is whimsical/baseless which has no reference in the Qur’an. I shall InshAllah give my reply regarding your other whims. Now I am very busy. Till then good bye…. Samsher.[/quote]
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