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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]Salam to all, In continuation of my earlier reply…………………….. Quote: Brother first of all, u replace the word “YE” with “ all existing scripture” to add the Book “Quran” in this circle, but it is not so, Quran itself does not come in this circle, see the translation of other scholars. Yousaf Ali So ur first whim is cut here that u think, that Quran comes in this circle itself and a new messenger will come to confirm all scriptures including Quran, but actually it is not so. [b]MY REPLY:- I have already replied to your above question through my earlier mail. I already told that you tried to create an illusion between the two English words EXISTINGS & POSSESSION. You think that here existing and possession do not mean the same. You think what Muhammad possessed are only the previous scriptures, not the Qur’an OR you think Qur’an does not come in the circle of Muhammad’s possession. But this is not true. Here the meaning of All Existing Scriptures and which you(Muhammad) possessed are the same because previous(all existing) scriptures and the present scriptures i.e. Qur’an, both were in possession of Muhammad. Therefore, POSSESSION = Which Muhammad Possessed i.e. Qur’an + previous scriptures. & EXISTING also means Qur’an + previous scriptures, which existed.[/b] [blue]Secondly, I earlier told that it is clear in verse 3:81 that Almighty Allah took the covenant from PROPHETS(not from anyone) by saying "I will give you the scripture and wisdom” [/blue] [b]……Muhammad was a prophet and Almighty Allah gave him scriptures and wisdom. The next sentence says us that “And afterward there will come unto you a messenger, CONFIRMING THAT WHICH YE POSSESS”.(Pickthall) OR “Afterwards, a messenger will come to CONFIRM ALL EXISTING SCRIPTURES”.(R.K.) The meaning of both the sentences is same rather the translation of R.K. is very clear and easiest one. Also here the word AFTERWARDS is very indicative, which means AFTER ALL OF THE PROPHETS & ALL OF THE SCRIPTURES… So Prophet Muhammad and Qur’an also come in the circle of covenant. You think that Muhammad comes in this circle but not Qur’an!!! What a logic!!!! OR probably you think that Muhammad and Qur’an, both are not come in this circle, Yet Almighty God says us that HE took the COVENANT FROM PROPHETS. Alas!!![/b] [red][3:82] Those who reject this (Quranic prophecy) are the evil ones. [16:104] Surely, those who do not believe in GOD's revelations, GOD does not guide them. They have incurred a painful retribution.[/red] Quote:- this is Quran which confirms all scriptures before it. See verse: (5:48), (2:41),(2:88) MY REPLY :- Qur’an confirms all scriptures before it, but It does not confirm Itself. [b]You are not only whimsical but also a betrayer because you tryied to betray other believers in this forum by creating confusion between the two words Existing & Possession in 3:81.[/b] Quote: that All SCRIPTURES including Quran is concerned to confirm, [u]MY REPLY :- Qur’an does not confirm Itself. You can’t give your own charter certificate…ha…ha…ha…[/u] Quote:- the sentence meaning is that ‘ A MESSENGER WILL COME WHO CONFIRMS WHICH (YE) PREVIOUS PROPHETS BROUGHT, Quran is not of those but it will be Quran which will confirm previous. See See verse: (5:48), (2:41),(2:88),(2:97) MY REPLY:- verse 3:81 says: “And afterward there will come unto you a messenger, CONFIRMING THAT WHICH YE POSSESS”.(Pickthall) OR “Afterwards, a messenger will come to CONFIRM ALL EXISTING SCRIPTURES”.(R.K.) So brother, your translation is nothing but your own whims and every believer of this forum can see/realize this very easily. To be continued………………[/quote]
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