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[quote]Sallam all, Brother samsherali Sallam all, brother samsherali, Quote: Don’t be excited brother. I can also say you as you say that ‘you people made your whim to support your idol Muhammad to make him the last messenger’ Reply: Brother this is not ur first time, that u say so that we people are idol worshiper of Muhammad, I have read many times this in this forum, but I see how u become more exited to listen what I said… brother u cooool down…cool down. Brother. Quote: I have given you numerous references from the Qur’an in support of my statement that “Whenever God mentions prophethood in the Qur’an, HE mentions scripture and sometimes wisdom” e.g. (3:79, 6:89, 29:27,45:16, 57:26). Reply: so what brother, Does Allah says so that scripture is stuck only with the Prophets due to prophet hood. This is ur understanding. In verse 2:13 , Allah does not say so that He gives prophet hood to prophets, see again brother… The people used to be one community when God sent THE PROPHETS as bearers of good news, as well as warners. HE SENT DOWN WITH THEM THE SCRIPTURE, bearing the truth, to judge among the people in their disputes" 2:213 Here I think Allah made a mistake or forgotten (may allah forgive me) to mention prophet hood with the prophets. Brother even ur said “some times wisdom” is also not mentioned here. Atleast make a little sense brother! And do not say later that I have not given u proof from the Quran. But I think u will bring an other whim to remove this. Quote: Where brother??? Where brother, Almighty Allah says that ‘He sends the scriptures to BOTH MESSENGERS AND PROPHETS SEPARATELY”?? smile. At first pl. show me a single reference from the Qur’an wherein Almighty says(as you claimed) that “He sent scriptures to both messengers and prophets separately”. I know you can’t be able. Please go and try…..carry on……. Reply: see for the prophets mentioned separately here:- The people used to be one community when God sent THE PROPHETS as bearers of good news, as well as warners. HE SENT DOWN WITH THEM THE SCRIPTURE, bearing the truth, to judge among the people in their disputes" 2:213 And see the following for the MESSENGERS [40:70] ,[35:25],[3:184], [57:25] separately too:- Then if they reject you (O Muhammad SAW), so were Messengers rejected before you, who came with Al-Baiyinat (clear signs, proofs, evidences) and the Scripture and the Book of Enlightenment. (3:184) And if they belie you, those before them also belied. Their Messengers came to them with clear signs, and with the Scriptures, and the book giving light. (35:25) Those who deny the Scripture and that wherewith We send Our messengers. But they will come to know, (40:70) Indeed We have sent Our Messengers with clear proofs, and revealed with them the Scripture and the Balance (justice) that mankind may keep up justice. (57:25) Here we saw that Messenger always come with the clear proofs, sign, and with the Scripture. As these verses already have been quoted and u denied these to say that these are referred to messengers who have been called prophets. Mentioned in the following words from ur side” EVERY PROPHET A MESSENGER. EVERY MESSENGER NOT A PROPHET The Quranic truth that a prophet delivers a scripture necessitates that every prophet must be a messenger.” this is ur whim. However I ask u why u r calling a prophet as a messenger too, why? As u mentioned that because prophets have been given “ SCRIPTURES”, therefore prophets are called messengers. Is’nt? Ok. THAN HOW A MESSENGER CAN BE CALLED A MESSENGER WITHOUT A SCRIPTURE? Brother If I go with ur definition, then I found the following results, point out me where I am wrong.. 1} that there are two types of messengers. a): those who receive INSPIRATION (not any revelation or scripture) and as they receive only INSPIRATION (which is not a source of guidance), therefore they are said to promote the EXISTING SCRIPTURES being the source of scripture. b): there are messengers mentioned in the quran who received SCRIPTURES (as mentioned above verses) but actually they are not MESSENGERS they are PROPHETS; and they are said messengers because as they received SCRIPTURE OR MESSAGE. Is’nt? Ok Now what result I see with above definition from ur side, is that it becomes clear that MESSENGERS DO NOT BRING SCRIPTURES 1: messengers do not receive scriptures but promoted with the existing scriptures of a prophet whom a scripture is given. (they have not their own). 2: where messengers are shown received with the scriptures they are prophets. (They have not given any scripture themselves). THAN BROTHER HOW DO U CALL “A PROPHET” A “ MESSENGER” WHEN NO MESSENGER RECEIVE ANY SCRIPTURE BUT PROMOTE THE EXISTING SCRIPTURE AND WHICH (scripture) IS ALSO of A PROPHET not his own (messenger)??. Then ur definition that every prophet is a messenger because he (prophet) receive a SCRIPTURE becomes baseless when no messenger have any SCRIPTURE? 2ndly then HOW DO U CALL “A PROPHET” A MESSENGER because of a scripture and at the same time u do accept A MESSENGER without any scripture. And it is further seen very interesting to know that a prophet can be titled as messenger because of a SCRIPTUER but the title bear (messenger) himself does not have a SCRIPTURE. What a definition!!!!!!! Is there any body alive in this forum to understand this definition of brother samsherali, is there any one??[/quote]
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