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[quote]Cont…2 Qutoe: Also I never claimed by saying that Qur’an is not the last scripture. Don’t speak lie after lie. Reply: whre did I say so brother, that u said “ Quran is not the last scripture.” Why u r telling a lie against me. Quote: Verse 3:81 says that Almighty Allah took the covenant from the PROPHETS. HE did not say here that He took the covenant from the PREVIOUS PROPHETS!!!(if yes, then provide reference) Reply: if we go through the contex of the verses of this surah from starting to 3:81, we will see that Allah addresses to those people who deny of new coming messenger. Therefore a reminder is reminded to them what Allah took covenant from their own prophets that there will come a new messenger after them (their prophets), then y u (these previous) people are denying of new messenger. Quote: Whatever may be, for the sake of argument if I accept your whimsical theory, then I can say or it is proved that; In 3:81 “Qur’an (through the mouth of Muhammad) also says that “After the prophets A messenger will come to CONFIRM THE SCRIPTURES” that means he(the incoming) messenger, who will come after the PROPHETS, will only confirm the existing scriptures, not delivered a news scripture. Then why do you not understand this simple clear meaning of the verse concerned??? Reply: I already said that there is no such covenant taken by Muhammad of a new messenger coming. Quote: Messengers sent to confirm existing scripture: "Now that a MESSENGER from God has come to them, and even though HE PROVES AND CONFIRMS THEIR OWN SCRIPTURE, some followers of the scripture (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) disregard God's scripture behind their backs, as if they never had any scripture." 2:101 Reply: oh my God!, Who is this messenger? And did he not bring the scripture with him to confirm other scriptures. This is about prophet Muhammad and he also brought a book...very sad! But this is not ur fault, as do u not see any verse in support of ur whim, so u use the same verse which are spoken for Muhammad. I have no words to reply u this. Where as this clrealy speaking about Muhammad (pbuh) coming and his duty to perform in the regard. Oh brother u r very nice person.! Excuse me I have not compete with u. Quote: Messengers sent for teaching and purifying a people: "Our Lord, and raise among them a messenger to recite to them Your revelations, TEACH THEM THE SCRIPTURE AND WISDOM, AND PURIFY THEM. You are the Almighty, Most Wise." 2:129 Reply: Oh my God, again a verse which is speaking about a messenger who brought a revelation or scripture….brother I think I should remind u the questions, that is “ where it is mentioned that a messenger without a scripture confirms the existing scritptures”. Note “ without a scripture”. y r u trying to confuse me or others. By the way again this is not ur fault, because u can not bring those verse which are speaking a messenger without a scripture. Quote: Messengers are sent to reveal hidden issues within the scripture: God reveals the contents of the scripture according to His Infinite Wisdom. Some matters are kept hidden for an appointed time that God has ordained. God reveals some of these matters through messengers that he chooses. "He is the Knower of the 'ghaib' (unseen); He does not reveal the ghaib to anyone. Only to a messenger that He chooses, does He reveal from the past and the future, specific news. This is to ascertain that they have delivered their Lord's messages. He is fully aware of what they have. He has counted the numbers of all things." 72:26-28 "(Blessings) such as the sending of a messenger from among you to recite our revelations to you, purify you, teach you the scripture and wisdom, and TO TEACH YOU WHAT YOU NEVER KNEW." 2:151 Messengers are sent to reveal issues in the scripture deliberately hidden by the people: Many who corrupt God's truth to uphold their own idolatry are guilty of deliberately hiding important issues inside the scripture from the people. God sends messengers to expose the idolatry of such people and to reveal these prime issues: "O people of the scripture, OUR MESSENGER HAS COME TO YOU TO PROCLAIM FOR YOU MANY THINGS YOU HAVE CONCEALED IN THE SCRIPTURE, and to pardon many other transgressions you have committed. A beacon has come to you from God, and a profound scripture." 5:15 Do you see?? Reply: oh my God! Thanx to God that u did not bring a single verse for ur support that messenger who do not bring scriptures promopte the existing scripture, all verses u have mentioned of those messenger who brought scriptures… very sad!. But this is not ur fault, u could not find any single verse. Atleast now agree brother that u have no support to this from Quran. cont...[/quote]
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