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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote][size=2]Brother Ibraheem, My answer of your question is same as on15th May, 2007 i.e. “I have already replied to your question, but you did not like that or may be you did not want to understand my point, then what can I do brother??? I AM HERE TO GIVE THE REPLY OF QUESTIONS ACCORDING TO QUR’AN NOT ACCORDING TO PERSON’S WHIMS LIKE YOURS. So if you dislike my reply because of THIS DOES NOT FIT YOUR WHIMS, then I can’t do anything.” You OPINED that Qur’an reached us through twatur, ijmaa BUT YOU COULD NOT YET BEEN ABLE TO GIVE ANY SINGLE REFERENCE FROM THE QUR’AN TILL DATE IN SUPPORT OF YOUR SAID WHIMSICAL OPINION. If you are able to give this, then InshAllah I shall accept your theory. BUT I told you several times that Qur’an was written down when it was revealed to the prophet and it was preserved by God till today OR It reached us THROUGH THE WAY/FORM OF PRESERVATION, ABOUT WHICH ALMIGHTY ALLAH HIMSELF TOOK THE RESPONSIBILITY AS HE TOOK TO PRESERVE THE BODY OF PHARAON(10:92). NO ONE CAN CLAIM THAT BODY OF PHARON REACHED US THROUGH THE TWATUR, IJMAA….!!! And in support of my above said opinion numerous times I have given proof from the qur’an. Once again I am giving here, which supports my opinion, but I know that at that time also you can’t see it ; [15:9] Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it. The above Quranic words prove that the Qur’an reached us through the preservation promised by God and not through the consensus of muslim ummah. You tried to say Almighty Allah preserve the qur’an through the twatur, ijmaa…of muslim ummah and only through this way HE preserved the Qur’an. On this point I asked you a simple question which was “do you believe that ONLY because of your Twatur, Ijmaa, your Qur’an reached to you? OR do you believe/think that besides these two(twatur, Ijmaa), Qur’an could not be reached to you or can’t be reached to future generations???” which requires a simple answer i.e. ‘yes’ or ‘no’ but you also could not give that for fear of ……… I don’t know WHY DO YOU SO MUCH AFRAID OF MY EVERY QUESTION??? However, You can see many ancient documents, tablets and books in museums and special sections of libraries. They are preserved by human effort and technology for hundreds and even thousands of years and reached to us. For instance, Bukhari is a document, which has been well preserved for approximately 12 centuries and reached to us. Now can you claim that Bukhari Ahadith preserved by God through continuity, consensus??? How could you explain this??? After we have seen the Satanic nature of hadith and sectarian jurisprudence produced by our ancestors and so-called ulama, how can you expect us to trust them as the preservers of the Quran? However, If I accept your theory for the sake of argument, yes remember I say here for the sake of argument i.e. qur’an reached us through continuity…… consensus, dose it mean that these two are our religious criterion? NO. Qur’an says us that IT Itself is the only criterion(25:1). The followers of other religions (Jewish, Christians, Hindus…) use EXACTLY the same reason(like your continuity, consensus) to justify their fabricated lies about God and their religions. So, how Qur’an reached us is not the subject of discussion here. The subject is WHETHER QUR’AN ONLY SHOULD BE TAKEN AS ONLY RELIGIOUS SOURCE OF ISLAM OR NOT. Moreover, why do you not be able to give any single reference from the Qur’an in support of your ‘Unwritten Sunnah, twatur, ijmaa’? If you able to give, then the discussion will automatically be ended here. First of all you should try to give this. Actually I know why you are trying to divert the discussion point to another subject leaving the original subject. Because you could not find any suitable reference in Qur’an in favour of your unwritten sunnah falsely attributed to Prophet, twatur, ijmaa and for that reason you are trying CONTINUOUSLY to prove by hook or by crook that quran reached us only through ‘continuity & consensus’ and also the ‘sunnah’(fabricated) of Muhammad without quoting any verse in favour of this from Qur’an and AS BOTH ARE REACHED US THROUGH THE SAME WAY i.e. Continuity, Consensus and when you accept Qur’an as Source of Islamic Law then also you should accept sunnah(fabricated) as source of law. But brother your this theory is completely false because Qur’an does not support this. However, I want that that the discussion between us should be going on for the benefit of others and for the sake of this I can only request you please leave this point here and proceed further because you can’t be able to find any reference in favour of your claim from the Qur’an. Samsher.[/size=2][/quote]
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