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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote][center]A complete, and fullydetailed Scripture[/center] [b]To believe in the Quran, one must uphold six prime convictions:[/b] [center]FIRST The Quran is the word of God. SECOND The Quran is perfect with no contradictions. THIRD The Quran is comprehensible and with no ambiguity. FOURTH That the Quran is straightforward with no crookedness. FIFTH The Quran is complete. SIXTH The Quran is fully detailed, and it encompasses all matters.[/center] All Muslims will certainly testify to the first condition, that the Quran is the word of God. It is in connection to the other five conditions that they will have lots of ‘ifs’ and ‘buts’ ! Sadly the great majority of them will fall short on some or all of these five conditions. Let us consider these six conditions in more detail. [b]FIRST[/b]: [u]The Quran is the word of God[/u] God tells us in the Quran that a physical proof has been given to us to assert beyond any doubt that the book is God given, and not the work of any human being: 6:155-157 “This (Quran) too is a blessed scripture that we have revealed; you shall follow it and lead a righteous life, that you may attain mercy. Now you can no longer say, "The scripture was sent down to two groups before us (Jews and Christians), and we were unaware of their teachings." Nor can you say, "If only a scripture could come down to us, we would be better guided than they. " NOW THERE HAS COME TO YOU A ‘BAYENAH’ (CLEAR PROOF) from your Lord and a beacon, and a mercy. Now, who is more evil than one who rejects these proofs from God, and disregards them? We will commit those who disregard our proofs to the worst retribution for their heedlessness.” [b]SECOND[/b]: [u]The Quran is perfect and with no contradictions[/u] “A.L.R. This is a book whose verses have been perfected” 11:1 What this means is that no Quranic verse contradicts or invalidates another. However, a great number of Muslim interpreters have shown their failure to uphold this truth. Through a false concept which they have devised, and which they call the ‘Al Nasekh’ (abrogator) and ‘Al Mansoukh’ (abrogated), they claim that some Quranic verses annul and invalidate other verses. [b]THIRD[/b]: [u]The Quran is clear and comprehensible[/u] “A.L.R. These are the signs of the clear book.” 12:1 ”We have made it (the Quran) easy to understand and in your own tongue (language) may you take heed.” 44:58 Although God confirms that the Quran is clear and easy to understand, as in the above verses, yet the same corrupt interpreters who advocate the 'abrogation lie' will tell you that the Quran is difficult to understand, and that nobody is qualified to interpret it except their likes! What nonsense! They even go to the extent of prohibiting its interpretation by anyone who does not possess a degree from one of their accepted Islamic academies. Often, the case is that their interpretations are far more ambiguous than what they claim the Quran to be! They argue that since the Quran is ambiguous there is a justified need for the ’hadith’. For them, the ‘hadith’ is necessary to explain the puzzles of the Quran! Generally speaking the Quran contains five types of verses: [b][center]1- Law giving:[/center][/b] These are the verses that include all the rituals, the prohibitions, and the laws of God. [center][b]2 - Warning:[/b][/center]These are the verses that warn against disobeying God. These verses usually include an assigned punishment. [b][center]3- Narrative:[/center][/b]Like the verses that relate the stories of previous prophets....etc. [b][center]4.-Informative:[/center][/b] These can also be narrative of previous people or could also be scientifically informative (e.g. verses that relate to the creation of the universe, geology or embryology ...etc). cont...[/quote]
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