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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote][size=2]Cont... [b][center]5-Reflective:[/center][/b] Like the verses that speak of matters related to the creation of the universe, or those that contain parables.....etc. It is the first two types of verses that we will be held accountable to on judgment day. Thus no one will be thrown into hell for not knowing that the number of heavens is seven as in (Sura 2, verse 29), or for not knowing that God supported Moses with nine miracles as in (Sura 17, verse 101), or that the tribe of Saleh was called Thamoud as in (Sura 11, verse 61). On the other hand, we will all be held accountable if we should give false testimony, deceive orphans of their money or associate any name with the Name of God. The Quran was not only revealed for the intellectuals or the scholars, but also for the unlearned and simple folk who may not be as clever. For that specific reason, and because God is the Most Fair, He deliberately made sure that these law giving verses in particular, and by which we will be held accountable to, are very clear and straightforward. God distinguishes between the clear straightforward verses (the law giving in particular) and between other verses, which may interpreted in more than one sense: “He sent down to you this scripture, containing authoritative verses, which constitute the essence of the scripture, as well as multiple-meaning or allegorical verses. Those who harbor doubts in their hearts will pursue the multiple-meaning verses to create confusion, and to extricate a certain meaning. None knows the true meaning thereof except GOD and those well founded in knowledge. They say, "We believe in this-all of it comes from our Lord." Only those who possess intelligence will take heed.” 3:7 Moreover, it is because God's justice and fairness that the law giving verses are made very clear and straightforward. Thus no injustices will be inflicted on anyone. This is made quite clear in the Quran in numerous verses such as : “God does not inflict an atom’s weight of injustice.” 4:40 An example of the law giving verses that are quite straightforward is the verse that specifies the steps of ablution: “O you who believe, when you observe the Contact Prayers (Salat), you shall wash your faces, wash your arms to the elbows, wipe your heads and wash your feet to the ankles.” 5:6 This simple order from God is put in such simple and direct words that it can hardly be expressed in simpler or more direct words. The corrupted interpreters will tell you that, on your own, it is impossible for you to understand the Quran ! They will decipher the book for you ! By saying that, they again contradict the Quran, which clearly states that it is God who will teach the wisdom of the Quran. “The Most Gracious, The Teacher of the Quran.” 55:1 “Once We recite it, you shall follow such a Quran. Then it is We who will explain it.” 75:18-19 This God bestows on the pure in heart who accept God alone as their Lord and the Quran alone as their source of guidance: “We place shields over their hearts to prevent them from understanding it (the Quran), and deafness in their ears. And if you commemorate God in the Quran alone, they run away in aversion.” 17:46 [b][center]FOURTH[/center][/b] [u]The Quran is straightforward and without crookedness[/u] "An Arabic Quran, without ANY CROOKEDNESS, that they may take heed" 39:28 The interpreters who constantly twist God's words and claim that they mean something other than the obvious and straightforward meaning, are guilty of disclaiming this fourth attribute of the Quran. The examples to that run in the hundreds. These are presented in the section of (Misinterpreted verses). For now, this is one of the classic examples of such corruption: 1- God decreed that Hajj may be observed in the known months (the 4 Sacred months) (2:197) .... "Hajj is (in) the well known months. Whoever 'farada' (sets out to observe) Hajj 'feehinna' (THEREIN) shall refrain from sexual intercourse, misconduct and arguments throughout Hajj." It is very clear from these Quranic words that God has decreed four whole months for the purpose of Hajj and not the first 10 days of the Islamic month of Zu Al-Hijja! The Arabic words (Mann farada FEEHINNA al-Hajj) or (whoever sets out to OBSERVE Hajj THEREIN) are self indicative. The word 'farada' which means to observe or execute, comes from the word 'fard' which means a religious obligation. Thus the word 'farada' means to actually execute the obligation (Hajj). The word (THEREIN) refers to the four months. Together, these two words (observe) and (therein) confirm that God has decreed for us that may observe Hajj ANYTIME during the four months. However, the twisted retarded bearded fabricators have come up with the most ridiculous excuse to twist the content of this Quranic law. In an attempt to over-rule the Quranic law and uphold their hadith and sunna, they have claimed that this verse speaks of the time 14 centuries ago when the journey of Hajj on camel and donkey backs took months to complete !!! They thus claim that this verse speaks of the intention of Hajj and not the actual observation of Hajj. In other words, people can prepare for their donkey and camel rides and start their journey anytime during the 4 months !!!! Any human being with any degree of sense will immediately see the absurdity of this ridiculous interpretation: 1- Do these morons not realise that the Quranic law is directed to all people and to all times till the end of time, and not only to those who traveled on donkeys and camels 14 centuries ago? Have they restricted the law and guidance of this verse to the donkey/camel riders who lived 14 centuries ago? 2- Do these morons not see God's deliberate use of the word 'Farada' (to observe) in this verse? Do they not see the words 'Feehin al-hajj' which means (whoever OBSERVES the Hajj THEREIN) ? God did not say (whoever starts his journey therein)! the words (observe) and (therein) constitute God's clear and straightforward decree that hajj may be OBSERVED in these months ..... and not that the donkey journey may be started during these months ....... to be contd...[/size=2][/quote]
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