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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]Contd….. justify the notion that Muhammad had access to the uncorrupted Salat as given to Abraham from those around him. One last comment on 8:35. This verse has always been interpreted to be referring to the time of Muhammad fourteen centuries ago. However, with some analysis, it can be seen that this verse applies as much today as it did fourteen centuries ago. It is a fact that the salat today at the kaba is full of idol worship and glorification of Muhammad, but more important the words in the previous verse (8:34) give us some important clues: "Have they not deserved God's retribution, by repelling others from the Sacred Masjid ......" 8:34 We can see how these words apply today to the authorities who prohibit the believers from observing their Hajj during the four months decreed by God for Hajj (2:197), and instead they restrict the time allowed for Hajj to the first ten days of the month of Zhu Al-Hijjah Does the Quran only detail laws that have been changed and/or corrupted? Is the Quran merely an ‘Amendment book’ ? Nowhere in the Quran do we read ANY indication that the Quran only deals with the changes and corruption. As a matter of fact the words ‘fully detailed’ in 6:114, the words ‘nothing has been left out of the book’ in 6:38 and the words that describes the Quran as giving ‘explanation to everything’ in 16:89 all indicate that the Quran contains a complete and comprehensive law, and not just the changes. If the Quran only deals with the changes as they claim, then God’s command in 6:114 to accept no laws from outside the Quran would necessarily mean that the religion we are following is incomplete, since it would be no more than a collection of amendments and corrections! To conclude, the attempt by some to reduce God’s assurance that the Quran contains 'all the details' and that ‘nothing has been left out of the book’ to mean (the Quran only deals with the changes/corruption) is indeed a great error. When God says EVERYTHING He means EVERYTHING ….. The word EVERYTHING indicates that the Quran contains all what we need for salvation, and not just the changes. The first issue that Islam is as old as Abraham is a Quranic fact, it is not disputed. The second issue, which is the legality of us accepting our inherited rituals as a second source of laws besides the Quran is totally unsupported by any Quranic evidence. The claim that the rituals have been preserved and passed down to us from the time of Abraham is absolutely without ANY Quranic support. Nowhere in the Quran do we read of such preservation. If anything, we are (and still are everyday) discovering how the rituals we inherited are full of corruption! The only thing guaranteed preservation is the Quran itself (15:9). To those who say we must also uphold what was authorised by God’s messenger (even if it is not found in the Quran) fall into the realm of 42:21. Moreover, the glaring fact is that the personal teachings of any messenger will also be corrupted and changed with the passing of time. What should the believers in 100 years time do? will the personal teachings of the messenger be preserved then (15:9)? Are the personal teachings of the messenger a scripture (42:21)? Is the messenger authorised to have his own personal teachings (69:44)? "If you obey THE MAJORITY OF PEOPLE ON EARTH, they will divert you from the path of God. They follow only conjecture; they only guess." 6:116 From these Quranic words, we are ascertained that what the majority do or say is always astray from the path of God and that what they follow is no more than conjecture. Samsher, India[/quote]
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