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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]Brother Shamsher, In the following lines I will explain why I disagree with your line of thinking.I will base my arguments on QURAN and the commonsense God has blessed the humans with. In the Quran God says; Thus We have revealed to you(O’prophet) the Qur’an IN YOUR OWN TONGUE that you may thereby proclaim good tidings to the upright and give warning to a contentious nation. (19:97) Quran says; We have revealed this [Qur’an] to you IN YOUR OWN TONGUE so that they may take heed. (44:58) Quran says; And thus we sent down this Quran in ARABIC and have explained therein the warnings……………….(20:113) Quran says; And we have revealed this Quran to you in Arabic so that you may warn the people of ‘Umm ul Qura(Mecca)………….(42:7) As is very clear from these Quranic verses that anyone who who wants to translate and interpret the Quran must have knowledge of the Arabic which was spoken by the prophet sws during his time.I think no one even with an average IQ would disagree with this notion. This Quran is not in the Arabic spoken in Saudia Arab,Syria or Jordan of today. It is absolutely mandatory for a scholar of Quran to be master of the Arabic spoken in the tribe of Quraish.How can anyone learn that Arabic without knowing the Arab literature of that era? Brother, I asked you in my last post; Q1:Are you saying that true muslims must not seek any other source outside Quran for guidance? Your answer; Yes, I say this because Qur’an says this in the following verse: [6:114] Shall I seek other than GOD as a source of law, when He has revealed to you this book fully detailed? I am absolutely AMAZED how a scholar who does not believe in consulting any source outside Quran can ever go near Quran to understand its meanings. Even if he is relying on someone else’s translation (In that case he is not a scholar and is just like me) he is relying on somebody who has sought advice from sources outside Quran which in your approach is FORBIDDEN. Having said that there are still two possibilities to translate Quran without the knowledge of its language. One, that the person who has introduced this approach claims to be prophet of God. Second, God has revealed to him the dictionary of Quran explaining to him all the principles of Arabic language spoken by prophet sws and his companions, meanings of words used in Quran, idioms etc etc. In case the pioneer of this approach claims to be a prophet then straight away he is outside the circle of Islam.He is not even worth listening to.If he has got the Arabic dictionary revealed to him by Almighty then he needs to show us all and prove and defend his claim in the public. Unfortunately, I can see two main groups among the muslims.One who consider hadith to be the primary source of islam and the other who reject both hadith and sunnah.These are both extremes. If one ponders over Quran one can see that prophet Muhammad sws was not the first but the last prophet of islam.Quran says; O Prophet (sws)! We have sent revelations to you as We sent revelations to Noah and to the prophets who came after him, and as We sent revelations to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and his progeny and to Jesus, Job, Jonah, Aaron, Solomon, and We gave the Psalms to David. (4:163) Quran says; He has prescribed for you the same religion which He prescribed for Noah, and which We have now revealed to you which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses, and Jesus, with the assertion: “Adhere to this religion [in your lives] and do not create any divisions in it.” (42:13) Quran says; Then We revealed to you to follow the ways of Abraham, who was true in faith and was not among the polytheists. (16:123) The above verses not only explain that prophet sws was given the same religion which was given to other prophets of God but also clarify without any doubt that prophet sws received revelation to follow the way of prophet Ibrahim sws. All those ways which constitute the established sunnah and to which the entire muslim ummah adheres to irrespective of their sectarian divisions.Those established sunnahs are protected the way Quran has been protected by this ummah.But brother Shamsher,what i have read from your posts i have gathered that you dont even believe in the entire Quran rest of the ummah believes in.Am i right? It was shocking to read the way your scholars have tried to concoct the way to say salah.The most important of rituals like salah mentioned in the Quran countless times was left to your scholars 1400 years later to invent a method for.I don’t want to even waste my time describing the absurditry of the method of newly invented salah. Are you not aware that not for a single day this ummah in the last 1400 yrs,despite all its weaknesses, ignored the institution of salah. Come this time and your scholars are trying to teach this ummah a new method of salah about which they themselves are not sure, as is evident by reading your description of salah. How sad is this? Brother,read this from Quran; And if you fear(an enemy),perform salah either on foot or riding and when you are safe perform salah the way you have been taught which you did not know before(2:239).CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT PROPHET SWS WAS TAUGHT SALAH BY ALLAH.WHERE IS THIS METHOD DESCRIBED IN QURAN? Please,don’t refer to the out of context verses that you normally refer to. Brother,Ignoring sunnah of prophet Muhammad sws would mean ignoring following practices which the entire muslim ummah shia/sunni together have agreed to for the last 1400 yrs. Greeting one another with assalamu ‘alaykum (peace be to you) and responding with wa ‘alaykum al-salam (and peace be to you) Saying alhamdu lilah (praise be to Allah) after sneezing and responding to it by saying yarhamu kallah (may Allah have mercy on you) Saying adhan in the right ear of a new born baby and saying ‘iqamah in its left ear Keeping moustaches trimmed Shaving pubic hair Shaving the hairs under the armpits Cutting nails Circumcising the male offspring Cleaning the body after excretion Bathing after the menstrual and the puerperal period(avoiding salah during this time of uncleanliness) Bathing the dead before burial Enshrouding a dead body and preparing it for burial Burying the dead etc etc etc All the above has always been integral part of islam.All the above has been transmitted from generation to generation uninterrupted and unanimously agreed by each generation including the present generation. Brother,please open your eyes before they are closed forever. God knows the best.[/quote]
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