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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]Salam Mujahid, Q:- In the following lines I will explain why I disagree with your line of thinking. Reply:- I don’t mind brother, Those who are idolaters will never obey the Qur’an or will never be satisfied with the Only Qur’an. So what??? The truth will not change. The Only Truth regarding Islam(for us) is Qur’an. Q:- As is very clear from these Quranic verses that anyone who wants to translate and interpret the Quran must have knowledge of the Arabic which was spoken by the prophet sws during his time. I think no one even with an average IQ would disagree with this notion. Reply:- What a childish opinion??? If any one wants to translate English then he should have the knowledge of English. It is not any new thing! Q:- This Quran is not in the Arabic spoken in Saudia Arab, Syria or Jordan of today. It is absolutely mandatory for a scholar of Quran to be master of the Arabic spoken in the tribe of Quraish. How can anyone learn that Arabic without knowing the Arab literature of that era? Reply:- You people never appreciate the fact that to God belongs all the languages of the world, He created them, just like He created us, See 49:13 and 11:118-119. God, the Almighty, the Knower, the Cognizant knows that the majority of the Muslims in the world will not be reading , speaking or understanding Arabic. About 80% of the Muslims in this world cannot read, understand or speak Arabic. Quran is a book of a message and not a book of entertainment. God knows that HIS MESSAGE can be and will be translated to all the languages of the world and that the true believer will get His message in any place that was destined to be. God would not send a message that cannot be given to everyone clear and unambiguous. God would not send a message in a language that the people cannot read, speak or understand then punish them for not knowing what His message is. God clearly told us in the Quran that He does not want any hardship in His religion. God did not put any hardship on these millions (or bilions) of non-Arabs to master the Arabic language before getting His message. See 22:78 Getting the message and enjoying the literature excellence of the Quran are two different matters. The contemporary Arabs of Muhammed listened to the Quran and appreciated its literature excellence but many of them did not believe then, e.g. Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab, Muhammed's own uncles. Many of the contemporary Arabs of today read the Quran in Arabic but do not appreciate the message of the Quran, they belong to the same group as Abu Jahl and Abu Lahab. Many deceived Arabic speaking people put too much emphasis on their ability to appreciate the literature excellence of the Quran while missing the point of the need to appreciate the message itself, by following it. Understanding that God guarantees that the MESSAGE of the Quran will be given to the whole world in any language in any place, means to understand that having the Quran as an Arabic or non-Arabic book would not make the difference and that is exactly what God is teaching us in 41:44 "If we made it a non-Arabic Quran they would have said, "Why did it come down in that language?" Whether it is Arabic or non-Arabic, say, "For those who believe, it is a guide and healing. As for those who disbelieve, they will be deaf and blind to it, as if they are being addressed from faraway." 41:44 [i]to be contd...[/i][/quote]
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