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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]Salam, Quote:- If the concept of “Atee-ur-Rasool” (Obey the messenger) is not clear, we are still waiting for the interpretation of the following Quranic verses, which were already asked but perhaps you have missed. · · Keep us on the right path. THE PATH OF THOSE upon whom you bestowed favours, NOT the path of those upon whom your wrath is (1: 5, 6). >>> It is not clear what is your question. Please clarify this. Quote:- We have not sent YOU (Mohammad- sws) but the MERCY for the worlds (21: 107) No doubt God is merciful and His message is a mercy to us. Why not here God is saying Himself or His message the mercy but using the word YOU for the messenger- Mohammad (sws)? >>> [19:19] He said, "I am the messenger of your Lord, to grant you a pure son." [19:20] She said, "How can I have a son, when no man has touched me; I have never been unchaste." [19:21] He said, "Thus said your Lord, `It is easy for Me. We will render him a SIGN for the people, and MERCY from us. This is a predestined matter.' " The above verses told about Prophet Jesus. Prophet Jesus was also a SIGN and MERCY from GOD for the people. Could you please tell me why God says so? Now please read the followings; [17:82] We send down in the Quran HEALING AND MERCY for the believers. At the same time, it only increases the wickedness of the transgressors. [17:85] They ask you about the revelation. Say, "The revelation comes from my Lord. The knowledge given to you is minute." [17:86] If we will, we can take back what we revealed to you, then you will find no protector against us. [17:87] THIS IS BUT MERCY FROM YOUR LORD. His blessings upon you have been great. [27:76] This Quran settles many issues for the Children of Israel; issues that they are still disputing. [27:77] And most assuredly, it is a GUIDE AND MERCY for the believers. [28:85] Surely, the One who decreed the Quran for you will summon you to a predetermined appointment. Say, "My Lord is fully aware of those who uphold the guidance, and those who have gone astray." [28:86] You never expected this scripture to come your way; but THIS IS A MERCY FROM YOUR LORD. Therefore, you shall not side with the disbelievers. [29:51] Is it not enough of a miracle that we sent down to you this book, being recited to them? THIS IS INDEED A MERCY AND A REMINDER for people who believe. [31:2] These (letters) constitute proofs of this book of wisdom. [31:3] A BEACON AND A MERCY FOR THE RIGHTEOUS. [6:157] Nor can you say, "If only a scripture could come down to us, we would be better guided than they." A proven scripture has now come to you from your Lord, and a beacon, and a mercy. Now, who is more evil than one who rejects these proofs from GOD, and disregards them? We will commit those who disregard our proofs to the worst retribution for their heedlessness. [7:52] We have given them a scripture that is fully detailed, with knowledge, guidance, and mercy for the people who believe. [7:203] If you do not produce a miracle that they demand, they say, "Why not ask for it?" Say, "I simply follow what is revealed to me from my Lord." These are enlightenments from your Lord, and guidance, and mercy for people who believe. [7:204] When the Quran is recited, you shall listen to it and take heed, that you may attain mercy. In the above verses Almighty Allah told that Qur’an is the MERCY for the people. Could you please tell me Why God says so? [19:53] And we granted him, out of our mercy, his brother Aaron as a prophet. In the above verse Prophet Aron was MERCY from God. Please tell me why God says so? [28:46] Nor were you on the slope of Mount Sinai when we called (Moses). But it is mercy from your Lord, (towards the people,) in order to warn people who received no warner before you, that they may take heed. In the above verse Almighty Allah called Moses and it was mercy for the people. Why God says so? [44:5] It is a predetermined command from us that we send messengers. [44:6] This is a mercy from your Lord. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient. Here Allah says that sending messenger is the MERCY form Him that means all the messengers were MERCY from God to the people. Why God says so? Prophet Muhammad had the message i.e. Qur’an with him and for this reason God says so. We should follow only the messenger and the message. When God says obey the (Rasool), He means both the messenger and the message(Qur'an). Both are inseparable. When the messenger, the human being is dead, the true messenger among us becomes the message itself, in this case, the Qur'an and IT is the mercy for the world now. God Almighty has called the Qur'an )Rasool) on many occasions, e.g.41:1-4, 11:1-3, 14:1, 27:1-2, 32:3, 34:6, 5:15 etc. etc.. I think now it is clear for you. Salam Samsher.[/quote]
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