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The Qur'an and the Sunnah
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[quote]In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Thank you for the reply. QUOTE: >>> It is not clear what is your question. Please clarify this- (Keep us on the right path. THE PATH OF THOSE upon whom you bestowed favours, NOT the path of those upon whom your wrath is (1: 5, 6) What I meant was explanation of the path of those people upon whom God bestowed favours. May be this understanding facilitate us to consider the sayings not only of the messenger (sws) but his companions and some others too to understand what God wishes? QUOTE: [19:19 to 21] The above verses told about Prophet Jesus. Prophet Jesus was also a SIGN and MERCY from GOD for the people. Could you please tell me why God says so? [19:53] And we granted him, out of our mercy, his brother Aaron as a prophet. Regarding the verse 21: 107, I have not asked about Jesus (Aleh salam), Haroon (Aleh salam), Moses (Aleh salam) and other messengers (Aleh salam), who were, no doubt, mercy to their nations but about the messenger Mohammad (sws). You have facilitated us to add to our belief that if surely all other messengers are mercy to their nations then Mohammad (sws) SURELY is a bigger mercy to us. QUOTE: [17:82], [17:85 to 87], [27:76, 77], [28:86], [29:51] [31:2, 3], [6:157], [7:52], [7:203, 204], In the above verses Almighty Allah told that Qur’an is the MERCY for the people. I have already said, “No doubt God is merciful and His message is a mercy to us” BUT Why not here God is saying Himself or His message the mercy but using the word YOU for the messenger- Mohammad (sws)? You could not clarify meanings of YOU used personally about the messenger (sws). If other messengers are also mercy, no body is denying them. If I am not wrong the words for the other messenger are not like that of the verse 21: 107 i.e. YOU as a mercy vs the mercy of us for the other messengers. QUOTE: Prophet Muhammad had the message i.e. Qur’an with him and for this reason God says so. We should follow only the messenger and the message. When God says obey the (Rasool), He means both the messenger and the message (Qur'an). Both are inseparable. As you said, “Both are inseparable”, if we obey the messenger (sws) obviously obey Quran and so obey Allah and there seems to be no discrimination among obeying the messenger, obeying Quran and obeying Allah. The next question is why God says separately in various verses “Obey Allah and His messenger (sws)”. Furthermore in the verse 4: 59, in addition to obey Allah and the messenger obey those too among you who are in authority. Taking the support of the verse most of those in authority who can’t even touch holy Quran (56: 79) assert to be standing in line with God and His messenger and what about him (the messenger-sws) on whom the whole Quran has been revealed and whom whole life, before and after prophethood, is an exemplar not only for us but non muslims as well. According to my understanding in authority are not only those people who are in Govt or Kingdom but every one to ones subordinates is an authority whether it is an office, school, Tableeghi Jamaat etc or the whole Ummah the leader of which or in authority is the only one Mohammad (sws). Here the messenger Mohammad (sws) is surely an authority to command us and we are surely bound to obey. Wssalam with the saying of God: And the day when the unjust one shall bite his hands saying: O! Would that I had taken a way with the Apostle (25: 27)[/quote]
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