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Hoors of paradise
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[quote]Asa wb To oosman. I cannot answer for those sisters and brothers on the reasons why they are concerned about what rewards they will get in paradise. But I think you have missed the point on why I find it important to talk about. Mainly it is not about the nature of paradise itself or the rewards we will get but it’s about what many scholars say regarding hoors and how women are viewed, which do not fit in with what Allah Swt teaches us in this world and Islam. So I will try to explain to you my reasons in greater depth but please read my first email above again and try to understand what I have mentioned. Did it ever cross your mind that if the mentioning of rewards in the Holy Qur’an should have no significance to us then why did Allah SWT mention them? He mentioned them because He knew it would astound us and contribute towards our striving for a place in paradise. He wanted to put a delight in our hearts and show His care and love for us. He wanted us to have a taste in what paradise will be like and what wonders will be there that we cannot even imagine. The Holy Qur’an is what a believing man and woman would look first to, next to hadiths. Islam is very important to me and I love learning about it. So much of what I have learned has great wisdom, reasoning and logic in it. This is what caused me to progress further and further to understand Allah Swt more in ways I never thought I could. I never thought I would find anything in it that would be too hard to understand. The main reason why the hoor issue bothers me is because of how it makes women look like objects of intimacy and nothing else, and that this is what many men truly believe. To my disgust, I have read Qur’anic translations where a hoors chest was described and even worse her private part. How can this be a part of Islam? Allah Swt emphasises the need of both men and women to have modesty and dignity, but this is just thrown out when such descriptions of a woman are mentioned in paradise. What dignity and modesty can a woman possibly have if Allah Swt [blue]supposedly[/blue] is helping men to visualise images of what a woman regards as her shame? Can this really be something Allah Swt would say? What has become a great evil in this world today, which is obviously hated by women of dignity and modesty? Obviously this hate that sisters feel is against the women who reveal themselves on TV and the men who see a woman’s body as their greatest desire. For the poor sisters who have to live a life of disgust against these men and women, look towards Islam and the beauty of paradise, a place of perfection, a place of dignity and modesty, where they will be seen as companions, human beings etc. So you see, when you connect the evil of this world and how sisters react to this with what scholars claim, that hoors are beautiful maidens for men, what is one supposed to think? So you see this is why I really want to talk about it because I would really like to hear what other Muslims believe. I want to see whether they agree with me and see if I am making good points. This is one way to learn the truth about an issue regarding Islam. Questions and points like these can be put forward to scholars, and especially if I am right in my views this can help scholars to see it our way and help them to see whether their answers about hoors were wrong all along. Yes I can simply listen to you and just be quiet about it, but I want people to see the true Islam, from life on this world to the rewards of paradise. I want them to see the justice between men and women, and that Allah Swt sees them the same in His hearts. If I am right then you can see why I cannot just keep quiet, when many scholars are possibly wrongly making Muslims believe that hoors are for men making women look like objects which just doesn’t fit into Islam. To think how many Muslim sisters will be told to believe this, causing them to possibly feel alienated towards Islam throughout their lives, which is not right at all. You see this is a learning experience. By talking about this we get a chance to learn more and get the truth out if it was wrong to begin with. Without asking questions how can one learn and understand and without asking questions how can one learn from what’s correctly interpreted and what’s not? Well i hope this gives you an idea[/quote]
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