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Hoors of paradise
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[quote]Asa wb To oosman, I'm simply trying to use my common sense, logic, natural instincts, reasoning and senses of right and wrong, which Allah Swt bestowed upon us all. It is these very attributes that have brought us to Islam! I base my views of paradise not from my own personal desires but from what I have learnt from the values Allah Swt teaches us through the Holy Qur'an and Hadiths and from all the examples Allah Swt has set out for us in this world. Some of these values are already a natural part of us that we just know in our hearts what is right, what is wrong, what is good and what is evil. What are the purposes of such values if they will not be taken with us to paradise? Allah Swt is training us how to be good, how to think, how to feel etc, because Allah Swt is the Lord of perfection and purity, He is all that is good. The good values we learn here are just a step to the perfect values we will have in paradise. These values must have meaning and purpose. Yes paradise is a place where a believer will have all he/she desires but dear brother I very much doubt our minds in paradise will be the same as they were in this world. How can our minds that are likely to be corrupted by evil to some extent be allowed in paradise? In paradise our minds will be perfected and purified, all such jealousies, hatred, and other such desires we had in this world will be cleansed if they contained any wrong. You really think Allah Swt is going to grant a person his/her desire if it contained evil for e.g. wanting to drink alcohol and get drunk, or have so many luxuries with everyone else being poor??? I believe In paradise we will be able to think clearly and purely, because in this world it is very difficult to do that, since sometimes we cannot tell whether something we desire is actually bad or not. So I believe Allah Swt will cleanse our minds from all that He regards as wrong and open our minds to complete perfection and purity. Once that happens will our true pure desires come out which is what Allah Swt would grant a believer. So for e.g. regarding a man getting hoors, Allah Swt will cleanse the man’s heart from any desires he has of women that are wrong. These partners he will get will be pure and have modesty, and the feelings and desires he will have towards them will be pure and of modesty. The desires that men have about women in this world these days are wrong and evil and are instilled by satan. These days by simply looking towards the western society the desires of men as well as women have become perverted. Such perverted thoughts are unlikely to be a part of paradise; it is not part of the good pure values Allah Swt has taught us. For e.g. Do you think Allah Swt will allow dirty music in paradise just because a man was restricted from listening to it here? Do you think Allah Swt will allow women in paradise to behave in perverted ways like they do in the dirty music videos they have here? You said: [limegreen]A man (or woman) lives all his life obeying Allah, doing good, and keeping away from bad.[/limegreen] Yes I agree with you. I believe Allah Swt is preparing us to be worthy of such a place as paradise. He is teaching us important values that inshallah will make us good Muslims and will be a core part of us in paradise. You said: [limegreen]Another person does the opposite, he gambles, he lives like a Playboy, has women (or men if female) on his side all the time, has harems, he parties, drinks, has mansions and lives in luxury. The good person watches the bad person every day and wants the things the bad person has, but he has taqwa and suppresses his urges.[/limegreen] I can’t say this for everybody but personally I do not envy any of the things that a non-Muslim has or does. There is no purity in what they do. The things they do are evil. Drinking, parties, luxuries, it puts me off!!! How can I envy them when they drink and become drunk which results them in behaving in such pathetic ways? How can I envy their parties where they mix freely where they have no self-respect or modesty? How can I envy the luxuries they have when they show off with pride and feel they are better then everyone else? You said: [limegreen]Are you people saying that Allah will deny the good man all the things in Paradise because they don't satisfy your definition of modesty?[/limegreen] No what I said is that from my understanding Allah Swt will give us similar things in paradise that are way better then what the Non Muslims have here. What’s special about the things in paradise is that they are pure and free from evil. For e.g Wine (which is not the wine of this world therefore it won't cause evil effects on us), hoors (not like the men and women of this world who have no sense of modesty and pure thoughts) but beautiful companions of modesty who are pure and holy etc. So in paradise we will get similar things to what we didn’t get here in this world. I would lastly like to remind you that the reason why you may feel the way that you do is because what the non-Muslims do is all around us. It makes you forget that what they desire is actually pure or not because they make it look good. Anyway this is my opinion, May Allah Swt have mercy on me if I have said anything wrong. I respect that you are entitled to your own views so please respect mine. Only for the sake of Allah Swt do I accept that I could be wrong as much as I find that hard to see. Edited by: mikai on Tuesday, January 25, 2005 5:00 PM[/quote]
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