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[quote][blue]I feel that messages like the following put a lot of responsibility on the Muslims of today, everywhere.[/blue] My dear friends, I am so very proud of you. You have acted in the true spirit of Britishness, or I should even say Englishness, in your stand against terrorism. I am a 61 year old English,retired lady teacher who watches the events of 2005 unfold with horror and bewilderment. I grew up in a post war era of hope, peace and simplicity, whereby our goals were straight forward and our lives were sunny and simple. I had wonderful parents who dedicated their lives to the happiness of their children. I am now so very sad that life has become so complex and confusing. I wish I understood what is happening in the world today, but I don't. However, I think that British Muslims are the best in the world. You are the only ones who have spoken out in real and straight forward terms about terrorism. I think you are unique and I thank you for your leadership in this field. Who else, in this confused world of ours, would take such a positive and noble stand? Only a British Muslim would have such courage. Please go out into the wider world and take your views and values with you. You are our only hope. Oh dear, I do hope that I don't sound a little prejudiced. It is so hard not to be in this confusingly politically correct world of ours, but I do think that you have the essential values that we hold so dear in this country, of courage, honesty, integrity, and truthfulness. Whatever our faults, and we all have them, you show the same spirit to me of any English person who would go forward, whatever the odds and speak out in truth and honesty for what they believe and hold dear. Keep talking. What Islam needs is people like you. It needs your understanding, your honesty and, above all, your leadership. Who else, but a British Muslim, would speak out to the world about what Islam is really all about and what it believes and where it is going. You are unique in the world today. You have real leadership and we need you. I do apologise if I write with any racial undertones, or have offended you in anyway but I do believe that it is because you have the same tolerant and visionary values as us, that you have become, seemingly, the only Moslems in the world to take a balanced view and at the same time have the courage to speak out and tell the world what this all about. Who else have we heard calling for restraint or peace? I do believe that your Muslim youth should integrate with ours and not be separate from us. They should join us in our schools. Our lost children need your values and it would raise the values of our youth today if yours could integrate with ours and give them a little leadership in a world so hopelessly dominated by the media. Youth are ready for leadership, idealism and principles. They would, I am sure, benefit from the high standards that Muslims expect from their own youth. I wish you peace and courage in these difficult times and hope that I have caused you no offence or belittled you in anyway. Yours sincerely, Jennifer Dyer of Eastbourne, East Sussex. United Kingdom[/quote]
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