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[quote][quote]Assalamu Alaikum, thank you for replying. --------------------------------- your answer: Islam prescribes a socio moral standard in which men and women are responsibile for their actions and intentions. Islam also promotes the healthy enviroment through which a strong family would develope for a better social atmosphere. This is such importance in our religion that Islamic Shariah has prescribed certain limits that one should have a sense of modesty and sincerity in any kind of relationship and to minimize the potential moral and spiritual dangers involved in one to one relationship. Now there are two kinds of relationship that you may question about. One is platonic type and the one you are askin' here vut before I go on, lets have a look at the following verse of the Qur'an. Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for them: And Allah is well acquainted with all that they do. And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty. (Al-Noor 24: 30 - 31) Now it should be clear that the above verse is referring the platonic relationship between men and women that should be avoided. This is the general rule when interacting with Na-Mahram as you would say. There is no such thing in the Qur'an that you can not even talk to your co-workers and vasity peers etc. Becuase they are the acquaintances which is sure, not that type of relatinoship which is prohibbited. Therefore, God has commanded us to keep the modesty and restraining the bad eyesby means of lust. --------------------------- MY QUESTION: OK SO IN A SITUATION WHERE YOU HAVE CO WORKERS IT IS ALLOWED? SO IN A WORKING ENVIRONMENT I CAN TALK TO ALL THE FEMALES I WANT TO? AND THEN WHEN I AM AT HOME, I CAN'T? SINCE AT HOME I DON'T HAVE MY CO WORKERS AROUND? CAN I CALL THEM ON THE PHONE SINCE I TALK TO THEM AT WORK TOO? JUST FOR WORK? BUT THEN TOPIC GOES OFFGAURD AND YOU CAN START TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE? SO IN THE QURAN IT DEFINES THE DIFFERENT TYPE OF RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN MAND AND WOMEN? PLATONIC OR ETC? AND IT IS MODIFIED HOW YOU WOULD ACT DEPENDING ON THE RELATIONSHIP? DEPENDING ON THE SITUATION IS HOW YOUR SUPPOSE TO ACT? MUSLIM CO-ED GROUPS? ANY INFO ON THAT? --------------------------------- your answer: Now it should be clear that why exactly this interaction is forbidden. Yes only platonic relationship is forbidden and it's not about the matter of past and present but the interpretation. Prophet (pbuh) is reported to have directed Muslim men and women to avoid staying alone with their unrelated counterparts. That means that appropriate interaction is always be there. Hazrat Ayesha(ra) used to teach Sahaba etc. ---------------------------------- MY QUESTION: "Yes only platonic relationship is forbidden and it's not about the matter of past and present but the interpretation." SO ONLY A PLATONIC RELATIONSHIP IS not ALLOWED AND ITS NOT THE MATTER OF PAST AND PRESENT BUT INTERPRETATION, IS THIS THE CORRECT INTERPRETATION? IS THERE MORE INFORMATION ON THAT, IS IT WRITTEN ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE QURAN, ANYTHING MORE REGARDING THIS TOPIC? HAZRAT AYESHA (RA) USE TO TEACH SAHABA, ISN'T THAT ANOTHER SITUATION THOUGH? TEACHING? SHE WAS MARRIED AT THE TIME RIGHT? --------------------------- your answer: It's upto you. if you think you can't help interacting your pals at school then you should take care of those above directives of the Shariah. -------------------------------------- MY QUESTION: WELL WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY PAL (FEMALE PAL) GIRLFRIENDS? OR MALE FRIENDS? WHAT KIND OF RELATIONSHIP WOULD IT BE IF I WAS AT A CONFERENCE WITH MY MUSLIM BROTHERS AND SISTERS IF PEOPLE WERE HOOKING EACH OTHER UP? WHAT KIND OF RELATIONSHIP WOULD IT BE IF I WENT WITH A MUSLIM SISTER TO STARBUCKS OR A RESTAURANT. WHAT KIND OF RELATIONSHIP DO MAJORITY OF US HAVE NOWADAYS BASED ON WHAT IS ALLOWED AND WHAT IS NOT ALLOWED? IF IT IS WRITTEN TO LOWER OUR GAZE, THEN CAN THERE BE A LENIENT WRITING THAT CAN ALLOW ANOTHER RELATIONSHIP ON THE SIDE. IF SOMETHING IS NOT ALLOWED THEN THERE CAN BE A PART OF IT ALLOWED? IS IT THE ACCURATE ANSWER THAT I CAN GO UPON AND ACT UPON? "It's upto you if you think you can't help interacting your pals at school " ITS UPTO ANYONE TO DO AS THEY PLEASE BUT WHAT DOES ISLAM HAVE SET ASIDE FOR THIS. NOT ANY SCHOOL OF THOUGHT BUT THE QURAN AND SUNNAH. I MEAN WE CAN ALL INTERACT BUT IT USUALLY LEADS TO SOMETHING ELSE. THERE IS NO HUMAN RIGHT NOW THAT CAN RESIST AND CONTROL EVERYTHING AND THAT IS HUMAN NATURE, I KNOW I HAVE HAD TROUBLES WITH IT AT TIMES. SO IF I HAVE ANOTHER RELATIONSHIP WITH MY CO WORKERS OR SCHOOL MATES AND ALL OF A SUDDEN "SOMETHING ELSE OCCURS INSIDE OUR HEARTS" DUE TO THE TYPE OF RELATIONSHIP WE HAVE, THEN WHAT? THAT IS WHY I HAVE THESE QUESTIONS. WHAT IS THE CORRECT ANSWER THAT I SHOULD TAKE, RATHER THEN TAKE A RISK OF BEING WRONG. I HAVE HEARD OF MIXED ANSWERS BASED ON THIS TOPIC AND I THINK THERE ARE MORE REFERENCES IN THE QURAN THAT DEFINE THIS TOPIC NOT JUST THOSE. BUT JAZAKALLAH. THANK YOU FOR RESPONDING TO THIS TOPIC ROSWELL. ASSALAMU ALAIKUM[/quote][/quote]
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