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NO Contradiction in Holy Quran!
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[quote]In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Unfortunately, if so called some contradictions are put up, I think, it is very much difficult for us to rely on such translations of Quran because the translators may have the ineligibilities, disabilities, limitations or the corruptions to express what God actually wants to say. We remain struck off to understand the talks of even one another and how it is possible that we/the translators understand Quran exactly. I want to elaborate my point of view by giving an example (May Allah forgive). Not suppose but be sure, I speak any sentence in my own mother dialect and I CHALLENGE ALL OVER THE WORLD to translate it into various languages of the world and I shall see how many translators convey exactly what I said. I mean to say, those who can’t exactly translate one sentence of a common man why they are not well ineligible, disabled, limited or corrupted to translate or understand the language of a complete book of God – Holy Quran. So the translators of Quran, misunderstanding and labelling some contradictions, seem to have the same big problem. Taking once again the help of the above example, only those can understand or convey the meanings of my words exactly who has been living and very much close to me and it is never essential that all people of that locality understand well like every Pakistani do not well understand even Urdu which is the national language of Pakistan. Similarly only those who are very close to God, by their hearts, in every aspect, may understand the words of God exactly or near that. Sometimes, this stage is called “Fanah Fillaah” used by some Sufies otherwise it is impossible, to understand Quran, for those who have NO affiliation to God and his Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) but have “Shaitaniat” in their hearts and minds. Be well assured, this “Shaitaniat” is far away the truth and can never understand “Rehmaniat” ONLY OUR WILL POWER can determine our direction and produces the acceleration every moment and every breath in our lives, towards Rehman (God) or Shaitan. If towards Rehman, all the problems are over otherwise “summun bukmun umyun (deaf, dumb, blind) fahum la yarjeoon (2: 18)” The basic requirement is the belief. Holy Quran repeatedly says, “O who you believe” So those who believe do not need any argument and if there seems to be any contradiction, it is no more than their limitations to understand the language of God. Life is not lost by dying; but day by day, minute by minute in all the thousands small uncaring ways (towards Shaitan) which may render us astray and ON THE OTHER HAND the small caring ways (towards Rehman) may enlist us among those who are favoured and bestowed upon by Rehman (God). SOME OF THE FIRM ARGUMENTS OF QURAN BEING THE MESSAGE OF GOD: 1. The whole life of Holy prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), before and after the prophethood, is stainless. He had never used to tell a lie. Therefore even the disbeliever of that time used to call him “The True” and “The Honest”. I believe that there is absolutely no need of any other argument but there are many others. 2. I think there is no such book like Holy Quran, in the world, which can be learned by heart as such without any mistake (15: 9). In addition to the Hafizs, the Surats learned at the childhood even by those who are not complete Hafizs, still remember whole of their life even without the revision while they/we have forgotten almost all the subjects read and learned in the primary classes. Is it not a miracle of Holy Quran while no other book can be learned in this way? 3. Even after centuries, Holy Quran is preserved in its original form. 4. No doubt, Holy Quran and the scientific facts are compatible with each other. So on and so forth………………… Summing up the all, we must strengthen our believes ands will power towards God because “God helps those who help themselves”[/quote]
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