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-25 Rules to Follow-
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[quote][red][font=Century Gothic][b]25 Rules for a Muslim [/red][black] 1. Start off each day with 'adhkaar al - istiyqaadh' (waking up Supplications), thanking Allah for waking up in good shape.[/black][red] 2. Put Allah first in your life. [/red][black] 3. Broaden your horizons - learn 5 New verses from the Quran, travel To pray Far in the mosque to brighten your day, take up a booklet Having adhkaar-alsabaah (morning supplications) and read them. [/black][red] 4. Try to pray Salaat Al-dhuhaa (after sunrise)[/red][black] 5. If someone says something mean to you, just shrug it off and dismiss it in a friendly, laidback manner, and pray that Allah shall forgive them and reward your patience. [/black][red] 6. When you get angry, remember Allah, and how short and worthless Life is to waste in being Angry. [/red][black] 7. Remember that you can never have too many friends, but you can have few quality friends that help you fulfill the purpose of your Creation (i.e live for Allah.) [/black][red] 8. When you're happy, try to share your happiness with others thank Allah for that, and pray its continuation. [/red][black] 9. When something bad or embarrassing happens to you, just think that it could always be worse, remember the reward of patience, and thank Allah that it's not worse than it is. [/black][red] 10. Do something extra of goodness once in a while, like dropping a few coins in to a charity box or helping an old lady cross the road or even playing with your little brother or sister! Remember, the smallest deeds bring the biggest rewards. [/red][black] 11. Never stop believing that you can win Allah's love and thus work for it. Then you can win the love of Allah's servants. [/black][red] 12. Spend some time thinking of Allah's amazing creation. [/red][black] 13. Always love those who love Allah unconditionally. This way you will ensure that you live for Him, love for Him, and hate for Him (those who are enemies of Him). And remember Him always, do Zhikr! (Allah hu Akbar *Allah is the greatest*, Subhana’Allah *Allah is free from imperfection*, Alhamdulillah *Thank You Allah!*, Laila ha illal la *There is no God but Allah*, Astaghfirullah *Allah forgive me*) [/black][red] 14. Find the righteous ways to express yourself, and if you think that what you are about to say shall cause no benefit, maintain silence (this is tough but remember, practice makes perfect!) [/red][black] 15. Every now and then, give yourself a break, play sports, give time to your family, friends, but always remember Allah and watch that He is watching you. [/black][red] 16. Pray for blessing to come to your enemies, and pray to Allah to Guide them to the right path. 17. Hug your parents, kiss their hands and heads and always obey but stop at Allah's orders (i.e., if they tell you to commit Shirk *Associate others with Allah*.) [/red][black] 18. Smile to everyone, for your smile makes a big difference to him or her and you are rewarded. (Careful, this doesn’t mean smile at people you don’t know…it means smile at those you know even if you don’t know them well. Try not to look like a freak, no big grins, just a smile will do…) [/black][red] 19. Forgive, forget and smile. [/red][black] 20. Tears are not for women only...tears are for all human beings with feelings remaining in them. Don't restrain your tears when remembering Allah. [/black][red] 21. when people criticize your actions and effort, revise your actions and see if they please Allah or no. if they do, then ignore and remember how the prophet and the Sahaba were criticized, made fun of and even physically harmed, so have patience. [/red][black] 22. Read the Quran daily and try to have a schedule for completing it every month (or as much as you could) as long as you open the Qura’An daily, and read with observing not just passing your eyes through the words. (and also, read it in a language you UNDERSTAND. Scanning the Arabic is hopeless if you don’t know what it means. How can you abide by the rules if you don’t know what they are? Read in both, or at least in the language you understand)[/black][red] 23. Don't let popularity go to your head, for it never lasts and you may lose from it more than gain. [/red][black] 24. Never look down on anybody, for they may be better than you in Allah's eyes. [/black][red] 25. Send this to all brothers and sisters with the intention of having a healthy society living for Allah and pray . Allah for the reward. Wassalam .xXx. Bas .xXx. [/red][/font=Century Gothic][/b] Rabbana Takabul Minna Innaka Antass Sameeul Aleem.[/quote]
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