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Smile [:)] Big Smile [:D] Cool [8D] Blush [:I]
Tongue [:P] Evil [):] Wink [;)] Clown [:o)]
Black Eye [B)] Eight Ball [8] Frown [:(] Shy [8)]
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     اردو میں لکھيۓ
(For Urdu Forums Only)
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A = آ
a = ا
B = N/A
b = ب
C = ث
c = چ
D = ڈ
d = د
E = N/A
e = ع
F = N/A
f = ف
G = غ
g = گ
H = ھ
h = ح
I = N/A
i = ي
J = ض
j = ج
K = خ
k = ك
L = N/A
l = ل
M = N/A
m = م
N = ں
n = ن
O = N/A
o = ا
P = N/A
p = پ
Q = N/A
q = ق
R = ڑ
r = ر
S = ص
s = س
T = ٹ
t = ت
U = ہ
u = ء
V = ظ
v = ط
W = N/A
w = و
X = ژ
x = ش
Y = N/A
y = ے
Z = ذ
z = ز

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