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Regarding Homosexuality
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[quote]I think some non-technical people have heard, first time, of something like “genes” and their role in our body. They don’t know, “It is a universal truth that not only human body but also other vertebrate’s and avertebrate’s whole body is controlled by their genes”. For example, even a unicellular organism is compelled by its genes to cause the particular disease otherwise if there no gene of the disease, it is then quite harmless. QUOTE: - Islam does not support anything that is, in anyway, contrary to the nature on which God created man. If we emphasise on the “Nature” and adapt the natural ways, “In the ancient times, how was man, when living in the jungles?” Remember, that life was the natural life. Later on CIVILIZATIONS and the RELIGIONS corrected those ways of life otherwise man was No more different than animals (natural way of life). Don’t anyone know, the religions, being called as a symbol of the nature, it itself interferes with natural ways of our body or life. See below, for example. 1. As I have mentioned in the previous post, attraction between the opposite sexes is natural but not allowed without any marriage. 2. Is it natural to limit men to four conditioned marriages? Naturally man is not happy with even five or more marriages. After sometime, naturally, he wishes a new wife but the religion interferes. 3. Eating and drinking is natural but in the fasting remaining hungry and thirsty is quite un-natural. 4. Is the restriction of eating pork natural? If other humans are eating why not Muslims? 5. Circumcision is quite an un-natural way. Similarly many other examples can be quoted. So the role of the religion is NOT ONLY meant to guide us to the natural ways exclusively because adapting the natural ways is our INNATE OR AN INBORN character. The role of the religion is to correct our ANIMALS LIKE NATURAL WAYS otherwise there is absolutely NO need of any religion. If some people have gazed specially at this particular gene, it’s ok- the possibility of presence of the homosexuality gene might be there. But what is about the huge list of the other genes in the human body, which govern different acts (social or antisocial, religious or non- religious) of the human body? And what will be the decision of the intellectuals, if the genes of bestiality, which might not be impossible, are discovered? QUOTE: - First, please visit the following website if you have little or no knowledge of the genes: http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/units/basics/tour/ See please the following few conclusive points of the article you pointed out: 1. In recent years, the scientific reports that originally proposed the existence of the SO-CALLED gay gene have been SERIOUSLY questioned and DISCREDITED. 2. These studies suggest that CONTRARY TO CLAIMS advanced by gay activists, homosexually active persons as a group appear to be less psychologically healthy than the general population. 3. “Thus, as the authors of the 2000 paper conclude, it is VERY DIFFICULT TO DISTINGUISH the genetic from the environmental influences on sexual orientation”. 4. “For one, numerous reports have now shown that homosexual behavior is MORE COMMON IN ANIMALS than previously suspected”. 5. “The revisionist argument that attempts to use evidence from biology to justify homosexual activity is FLAWED because it fails to acknowledge that we are embodied persons, with both spiritual and biological inclinations that need to be respected and realized” 6. Regardless of what happens elsewhere in the animal kingdom, both rape and homosexual BEHAVIOR ARE INCOMPATIBLE with an authentic understanding human personhood. They are UNNATURAL because both are VIOLATIONS OF OUR NATURES as embodied spiritual creatures. Both fail to realize the total self-gift of persons that ought to accompany every sexual act. WE ARE PERSONS and this makes all the difference in the world. 7. “In sum, all the scientific evidence to date has NOT CONCLUSIVELY PROVEN that genes determine homosexual orientation in human beings. The existence of a human gay gene remains a scientific myth. THUS GAY ACTIVISTS ARE INCORRECT when they insist that science has proven that an individual with homosexual inclinations is “born that way.” CONCLUSION (of the article “The Myth of the Gay Gene” with the same words) 1. At the time of this writing, there is still NO CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE that homosexuality is genetically determined. Thus, it is STILL IMPOSSIBLE TO KNOW whether someone who has homosexual inclinations was in fact “born that way.” 2. Finally, the claim that homosexuals are as mentally healthy as heterosexuals is simply not true. Though the source of the psychopathology is not yet clear, homosexual activity is associated with higher rates of depression, anxiety disorder, conduct disorder, substance abuse and suicide. *************************************** I suggest to get help of the concerned qualified technical people otherwise such self decisions (without any special knowledge) which are always WRONG are the basic cause of the DISAGREEMENTS between the Muslims. Wassalaam![/quote]
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