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Are Muslims on TV Really on Guidance?
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[quote][quote]marwan, you said [quote]1- Men are thought to react more to visual-sexual stimuli, their capacity to objectify a woman's body being undeniable.[/quote] Please present some evidence to support this claim. I have mentioned before that women have just the same sexual impulses as men. One example of that I gave of Aziz's wife and prophet Yusuf (a.s). Although one example is not enough. It is very sad that in the third world Muslim societies, because of forced veil, arranged and forced marriages, without the consent of the girl, the woman no longer feel any desire for men. It kills their sexual appetite. If we remove this social impediment, where women are more free to marry whom they want to, then we can see that women do have the same urges as men. In the so called 'decadent' western society, you can see clearly women are just as much sexual as men are, if not more. I think your inference is based on your cultural background that women do not react the same way as men do. Please present your evidence.[/quote] Present your evidence to contrary. My position is the consensus position, yours is the fringe position, so present your evidence. I can tell you that what I have told you is the general wisdom that both women and men know. It has to do with the nature of men and women. Men can have absolutely emotionless sex with 100s of women with ease, this would happen less with women. Though it is not non existent. The only challengers of this are evolutionary psychologists who on brain scans find that the brains of men and women can react in similar ways to erotic pictures. But the follow through is not there to my knowledge, that is, testing if the client felt and equal desire to have sex afterwards etc... one paper i found in a few minutes is this one which finds greater reaction in men, though more research is needed to test subjective responses also. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=15004563&dopt=Abstract and for a group of such papers http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=pubmed&cmd=Display&itool=abstractplus&dopt=pubmed_pubmed&from_uid=15004563 and a recent paper in nature (the above first one i cited): - http://0-www.nature.com.innopac.ucc.ie/neuro/journal/v7/n4/full/nn1208.html quote: - "Functional neuroimaging studies have identified a growing number of sex differences in human brain function. In addition to cognitive differences1, 2, 3, men and women also differ markedly in aspects of sexual behavior, such as the reportedly greater male interest in and response to sexually arousing visual stimuli4, 5, 6" "In summary, the current findings suggest a possible neural basis for the greater role of visual stimuli in human male sexual behavior3, 4, 5, 6. Whether the sex differences observed here reflect inherent differences in neural function or stem from differential experience is a matter for further study." There is other kinds of research on this I would like, but i won't spend the time now. enjoy. The example of Aziz is as you said just one example, and it actually goes against you, because try as she might she could not force him, whereas, if he tried to force her she would not have been able to stop him. Next, recall that his handsomeness was obviously beyond compare, why else would the women have cut their hands when they saw him? Is this the average man? I think not. Your point stands refuted. Edited by: marwan on Thursday, November 09, 2006 7:13 PM Edited by: marwan on Thursday, November 09, 2006 7:25 PM[/quote]
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