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[quote]I quote imam Shafi'es quote.I consider my opinion to be right on the basis of reasoning and facts known to be at this particular time, but am constantly aware that it can be proven wrong at any time by the dicovery of new facts. I consider any other persons opinion wrong on the basis of the facts and reasoning known to me currently, but am aware that his/her opinion can be proven right based on facts or reasoning in future. Quoting Javaid Ahmad Ghamidhi. "Whenever you enter the field of knowledge, whether religious or worldly knowledge, leave emotions, bious, jealousy at the doorstep, or you will never attain the Truth. In the field of knowledge the only currency is facts and reasoning, not personalities.On a certain issue the views of a person you may not like may carry the most weight compared to someone you like to read.The requirement is to come out of the bious of like or dislike and acertain the substance and reasoning of what the person has said. The other thing is the ability to acknowledge and accept whenever truth is revealed to us IRRESPECTIVE of its source. We claim to be the travellers on the journey of TRUTH. If we are saying this is right because a muslim says so and this is wrong becaue a buddhist or a non muslim says so then we have not grasped the ethos of our religion.If our criteria of judging something is based on personal liking/disliking then again we have not grasped the ethos of the path of the truth. When we undertsand this ethos,it becomes almost impossible to criticise anyone. All one can say in reply is , My opinion on this matter is different and for these reasons.The essence of the understanding of religion is that we break the pre-determind bounderies, where our surroundings, friends and families have made our minds up and we have pre concieved ideas and opinions about individuals and schools of thought." I recently met a gentleman who had studied under Javaid Ahmad Ghamidhi and is now a scholar in his own right. I asked him a question , which he answered, but his opinion was different from Javaid Ahmad Ghamidhi. When I asked him about this difference, he replied, what Javaid Ahmad Ghamidhi has taught me is to have the ability to reason and form an opinion based on facts, that is what I have learned from him.he has taught me to disagree based on reasoning. I hasten to add, what I have learned from Javaid Ahmd Ghamidhi is also that religion is not about personality worship.It is not about forming a new sect. But to realise that different scholars can each be right in different areas.I cannot condemn one just because I do not like the person, or my parents have told me so.But to question and to accept or reject solely on the basis of reasons and facts. For a muslim the two most important things according to Amin Ahsen Islahi are "talab i hidayaat" the desire for awareness and "azam i irradah"the resolve of our intentions. if we have these and with an open mind we strive to seek truth, we must have firm conviction that our religion says Allah will judge us for our intentions not conclusions.[/quote]
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