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[quote]Salaam raushan [quote] you understand the book through translation means you are blindly following a person's translating capacity.so your immidiate source of guidence is not a divine book but a translator. If Bukhari's book cant be a geniune interprator then the same would be true for someone else work? [/quote] I think you need to eliminate your confusioon regarding interpertation and translation. If I say in English Mona Lisa is a painting. You can literally translate that in any language. However if you decide to interpert it and say i meant it was a dreadful painting etc and it does not even need to be translated. There now exist numerous literature and translation where differnt meanings of words is explained (in circumstances where a word can have numerous meanings) Also you are little bit confused, or I am unaware, Bukhari did not translate the Quran. He decided to make huge number of collections of what the prophet was alleged to have done and said 300 years after his death. He has attempted to explain the Quran, although not all of it. Whether I spoke Arbic or not would be irrelevent to whether I agree with someones interpertation. However perhaps you have not followed this debate..I cannot recall anything regarding Bukharis interpertation of the Quran. In the last few pages one of the major point has been. Why did Bukhari and co collect hadith when the prophet had clearly forbidden it...Anyway this is getting away from your point. As for learning Arabic. I will have to learn from someone or some text so my understanding will be limited by whoever/whatever teaches me. Do you think each evry single word has only one meaning. Do you switch your brain of when you read a translation and accept it regardless of what it says. My first reading of english Quran was Yousuf Ali. There were many issues which i could not logically accept and was troubled... simple example is whom your 'right hand possess' I found it very troubling as to why Zina was forbidden and then allowed. However I have read numerous translations and there are translators who make sense to me and I am content with their translation (whether you are or not is up to you). I think you make a common mistake that speaking a language makes you understand things better (yes occasionally it may) but if you followed this through all non latin speking doctors would be inferior to latin speakers (as most of medical words are in latin). If we followed your logic through we woud not learn of any advances in science, philosphy, geography etc if they were in a languge we did not understand. [quote] or are they error free? [/quote] Humans are prone to error regardless of who they are. Or are you suggesting that there are no contradictions hadith and it due translators errors. While now as an Arab & English speaker you can rectify this error. [quote] next,I was asking that a book which is entirely in arabic language and is known to all,repeatedly saying about itself that is in arabic.why? [/quote] I suppose I could ask you the same question. I will assume that you think that God is stating the obvious. My understanding (even though I dont speak arabic) is that what it means that it is clearly and logicaly explained. Because I could not understand why could would keep stating this is an Arabic Quran when it was in Arabic. (Yes I did my study/research etc and satisfied with my finding-until someone comes up with better translation) Perhaps you could translate the word Arabic. Anyway do you speak Aramic or hebrew and do you read the new and the old testement in these languages? Obviousouly you speak Arabic so it will be easy for you explain all the contradiction that exist in hadith and why the prophet is is portrayed in such a poor light in many of the hadith...there you are should be dead easy for Arabic speking to Arabically ignorant souls like me...look forward to your explanation regards[/quote]
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