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[quote]I agree with brother Raushan. I enclose the answer from Understanding Islam web site on a similar question. The verses of Surah Al-Furqaan (25: 68 - 70) read as: "And those who invoke no other god besides the one God and do not kill except for a just cause and who do not commit fornication. Whoever commits these sins shall meet the evil fruits [of his deeds], his punishment shall be [consistently] increased on the Day of Resurrection and in disgrace he shall abide for ever -- except for those who repent and believe and do good deeds. As for them God will change their sins to good deeds. And God is extremely forgiving, His mercy extends for ever." What these verses state is that shirk, murder and fornication are crimes, which shall take a person to the everlasting punishment of Hellfire. These verses do not say, that shirk, murder and fornication are 'three unforgivable' crimes. On the contrary, these verses only state that those who are guilty of shirk, murder and fornication shall be punished in Hellfire forever. The obvious exception from the everlasting punishment - though not explicitly stated in words, in the verses - is that "unless these criminals are forgiven by God". Thus, the referred verses, in my opinion, imply that unless forgiven by God, those who are guilty of shirk, murder or fornication shall face the everlasting punishment of Hellfire. In the referred verses of Surah Al-Nisaa (4: 48, 116), this obvious exception has been explicitly renounced for those who are guilty of shirk. The two verses read as: God does not forgive that partners be associated to Him, besides that He may forgive any thing for whom He pleases. Whoever associates partners to God is indeed guilty of a very grave sin. (Al-Nisaa 4: 48) and: God does not forgive that partners be associated to Him, besides that He may forgive any thing for whom He pleases. Whoever associates partners to God has indeed strayed far away [from the right path]. (Al-Nisaa 4: 116) Thus, keeping both sets of verses (of Al-Furqaan as well as Al-Nisaa) in perspective, the complete implication would be: Those who are guilty of shirk, murder or fornication, and then do not repent, shall face the everlasting punishment of hellfire, except that God shows mercy on them and forgives them. However, God has declared that He would never show mercy on those who are guilty of shirk. I really do not think the two sets of verses could be termed as contradictory, as one refers to (a part of) the law of punishments on the Day of Judgment and the other refers to (a part of) the principles of forgiveness (or the lack of it). In conclusion True and sincere repentance does away with all sins, including shirk. Those who are guilty of shirk, murder or fornication, and then do not repent, shall face the everlasting punishment of hellfire. In case of lack of repentance their punishment shall in no case be reduced, except that God shows mercy on them and forgives them. However God has declared that, in case of lack of repentance, He would never show mercy on those who are guilty of shirk. Shirk, murder and fornication are among those crimes that entitle a person to everlasting punishment of hellfire; However, a person who repents and corrects himself, shall not only be forgiven - even if he has committed the gravest of crimes, i.e. shirk - but God's abounding mercy and forgiveness shall convert his bad (punishable) deeds into good (rewarding) ones; In case of lack of repentance a person who is guilty of shirk, murder or fornication shall remain in hellfire forever, except that God has mercy on him and forgives him; God has declared that, in case of lack of repentance, He would never show mercy on those who are guilty of shirk. This implies that other crimes (even murder and fornication) may be forgiven for whom God decides, even in case of lack of repentance.[/quote]
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