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Upbrnging of children
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[quote]Asa wb Dr. H. Taimoor [quote] i know family andhome is my first priority to please Allah and i am happy too alhamduilah .... then i think why did i study medicine when i cannot pursue it and serve humanity ? what do u advise ? salaam henna[/quote] Asa, sorri i know you're addressing your question to a specific person but i just wanted to say you make a very important point that i'm sure many sisters face. Firstly we need to ponder on the reason we are here, which is of course to worship Allah Swt and serve Him. If we want to serve humanity, then it should be for the sake of Allah Swt. So if that is why you are keen on pursuing your career as a doctor then I can sympathise with you. But now you have children to consider and if you were to weigh your career against your children, the importance of bringing up your children most surely outweigh your career. But why? Because children are the future of Islam and therefore the future success of humanity. This is a great act of worship that gains much reward from Allah Swt. So how does bringing up children serve humanity? Who else can bring them up as well educated and well mannered children but the mother, who has been blessed with valuable time to spend with them while the father is at work. It’s not just about babysitting them, but setting tasks for them, challenging their minds, taking them places so that they can socialise with others, instilling their minds with how they should behave, making decisions etc, all in relation to Islamic principles. By bringing them up as good Muslims (and remember by being a good Muslim entails numerous valuable skills) they will be valuable members of society i.e. humanity. As you watch them grow and see them progress, it surely would be such a rewarding experience that would continue throughout your life as you are the one who has been guiding them and playing that important role model. If all mothers were to do that for their children, to think what a great Islamic community we would have by now. Heh, so why did you study medicine? Difficult question to answer. Was there any point? Again a very difficult question to answer. Looking from an Islamic perspective a female deciding to have a medical career may not be a wise decision to make especially if she plans on having a family life. As being a doctor is a very demanding job and the training for it never stops as there are always new things to learn along the way. To pursue such a demanding career and to take responsibility of your children is near to impossible. Maybe you made your decision on studying medicine without the awareness of your future role as a mother and how important that role would be in regards to the worship of Allah Swt. As imporant as it is for women to get an education i think they are blinded into thinking they have to dedicate their lives in gaining a full time career like men. Men have no choice, their lives are dedicated to the world of business because Allah Swt gave them the role as the breadwinners. If they do not support their family to the best of their ability then they are of course committing a grave sin. Women also dont have a choice, as mothers, their lives are dedicated to their children, if they do not bring up their children to the best of their ability and pursue their careers, then they too would be committing a grave sin. But I don’t want to dishearten you, I congratulate you that you gained a medical qualification, it shows that you are indeed a very intelligent young woman as well as a hard working one too. My intention for sharing my views was to help you feel more relaxed and that being with your children is a greater act of worship. Lastly i'm not saying a woman can't work at all. But with her God given role she should aim for careers that are flexible and can be done as part time and are not so demanding that it takes over family life. If women dedicate their lives to their careers then its only for personal gain and not for Allah Swt. I can't say the same for men unless they work extra hours at work that isn't necessary and wont benefit the family. But since you have already become a doctor, for now since your children are young you can keep your self updated in the medical world and later in your future when you are less needed by your children go for a part time position. It's your choice in the end. Heh, these are just my views! Edited by: mikai on Monday, May 26, 2008 4:48 PM[/quote]
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