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[quote]Dear Bhavittre Assalamoalaikum wa Rehmatu(A)llahe wa Barakatohoo, In my opinion, one of the most distinctive features of Islam is the fact that we do not have any priesthood in Islam. There are no priestly orders or Rabbis such as those in Judaism or Christianity and there is no specially selected Caste (such as the Brahmins) as in Hinduism, where a study of the Scriptures is the exclusive right of the Brahmin Caste, excluding all others. By the Grace of Allah, the Word of Allah ( the Holy Quran) addresses the individual. Every Muslim, no matter how educated or otherwise he or she is, no matter whether they are rich or poor or what caste or nationality they belong to. They are all addressed as individuals. When God Almighty says in Sura Al-Qamar not once but three times: [red] [i]walaqadd yassarnalqurana fahul minmuddakir[/i][/red] [54:22] And indeed, We have made the Qur'an easy to remember. But is there anyone who would take heed? it is a direct invitation, no even a commandment by God, for all of us to take heed. Similarly in another verse of the Holy Quran, Allah has invited the Muslims by saying Afala tadabbaroon? will you not then analyse and try to understand the meaning of the Holy Quran. The ultimate Goal of every Muslim, in my opinion is to achieve Salvation or [i]Nijaat[/i] . Salvation is a personal and individual matter and the understanding of the Holy Quran is also a personal duty of a Muslim. This does not mean that every person will necessarily become an Aalime deen . Every person will be granted an understanding of the Holy Quran according to his or her aptitude and intellectual ability. Let me give you an example. I am a Medical Doctor and so is my younger brother. I am have specialised to become a Pathologist, while my brother is a Nephrologist (Specialist in diseases of the Kidney). I do not have much of an aptitude for Research, while My brother has produced a significant amount of research work. Similarly every person will be graced with that amount of knowledge and wisdom, from a study of the Holy Quran as he or she can grasp with their intellectual capacity. Only one condition is necessary for the accomplishment of this goal and that is mentioned in the opening verses of Sura Al-Baqara: [2:3] This is a perfect Book; there is no doubt in it; it is a guidance for the righteous, [2:4] Who believe in the unseen and observe prayer and spend out of what We have provided for them. [2:5] And who believe in that which has been revealed to thee and that which was revealed before thee and they have firm faith in the hereafter. The condition is that the person should be a [i]Muttaqee[/i] and there should be a sincerity of purpose in Urdu / Arabic [i]Khuloose Niyyat[/i]. The only purpose for undertaking a study of the Holy Quran should be to seek Allah's Pleasure and there should be no other reason. If after the seeking of this knowledge, one teaches it to others, that should also be with the same intention i.e. to seek Allah's pleasure and not for one's own fame or fortune. I believe that the only true means of salvation for Muslims, both on the individual and collective levels, is through the study of the Holy Quran with the intention of making it one's "garb" in Urdu we say [i]orna aur bechhona[/i] ; and then to study the Seerat of the Holy Prophet (salAllaho alaihe wa sallam) with the intention of following in his blessed example and His practice. It is precisely because we have failed to do this that we find ourselves in the predicament in which we are. You have also asked, Can everyone do research? I think I have partly answered this question. Yes anyone who wants to delve into the great ocean of the Holy Quran, provided He or She is a [i]Muttaqee[/i], they will receive true guidance and their efforts will be rewarded with success. Do you think that people like Hazrat Bilal, Abdullah bin Masud, Ibne Abbas and other companions of the Holy Prophet (salAllaho alaihe wa sallam) were graduates from any reknowned Madrisas or Universities? They learnt the Wisdom and the Knowledge of the Book after having been purified by the Holy prophet (salAllaho alaihe wasallam). It is truly magnificent to read the the two verses which describe the duties and functions of our Holy prophet (salAllaho alaihe wasallam) in the Holy Quran. The first mention is made in the Prayer of Hazrat Ibraheem (alaihesalaam) Sura Baqara: In which he prayed for a Prophet from amongst his children to be raised. I have highlighted the Functions which Hazrat Ibraheem (alaihesalam) prayed that this Prophet might perform. [red][2:128] And remember the time when Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the house, praying, 'Our Lord, accept this from us; for thou art the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing; [2:129] 'Our Lord, make us both submissive to Thee and make of our offspring a people submissive to Thee. And show us our ways of worship and turn to us with mercy; for thou art Oft-Returning with compassion, and art Merciful. [2:130] 'And, Our Lord, raise up among them a Messenger from among themselves, who may [i][b]recite to them Thy Signs and teach them the Book and Wisdom and may purify them;[/b][/i] surely, Thou art the Mighty, the Wise'. [/red] When allah Almighty eventually accepted this prayer of Abul Anbiya (alaihe salaam), by raising our Prophet (salAllaho alaihe wasallam) it was accepted in the most Glorious manner. In Sura Jum'a we read: [red][62:1] In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. [62:2] Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth glorifies Allah, the Sovereign, the Holy, the Mighty, the Wise. [62:3] He it is Who has raised among the unlettered people a Messenger from among themselves who [i][b]recites unto them His Signs, and purifies them, and teaches them the Book and Wisdom[/b][/i] though before that they were in manifest error; [/red] The Functions are the same, only their order has been changed! Please think about this and let me know what your opinions are now. wassalam Navidul Haq Khan[/quote]
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