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[quote]Dear Usmani Bhai, assalamoalaikum wa Rahmatu(A)llahe wabarakatohoo, Thank you for your reply to my posting and for your comment. I think we seem to forrget the fact that the life of the Holy Prophet (salAllaho alaihe wasallam) was unique in all of Human history. There has never been any such person and never again will there be anyone equal to him, in all aspects of his life. It is true that Islam is an all encompassing religion. It has given guidance for every possible situation which might befall Human beings and Human society for all times to come. It is for this reason that Allah Almighty has said in Sura Al- Anbiyya: [limegreen][33:21] Verily, you have in the Prophet of Allah an excellent model, for him who hopes to meet Allah and the Last Day and who remembers Allah much. [/limegreen] I beleive that no matter what situation a Muslim finds himslef or herself in, they should always ask themselves [red]"What would RasoolAllah (salAllaho alaihe wasallam) have done in my place?" [/red] It is for this reason that the study of the Serat e RasoolAllah (salAllaho alaihe wasallam) is of paramount importance. I believe very strongly that the Holy Prophet (salAllaho alaihe wasallam) had only one objective in life and it is mentioned in the Holy Quran in Sura Al- An'am [limegreen] [6:163] Say, 'My Prayer and my sacrifice and my life and my death are all for Allah, the Lord of the worlds;[/limegreen] I am completely convinced of the fact after having studied the Life pf the Holy Prophet (salAllaho alaihe wasallam) with great care, that He did not struggle to achieve Political doimination. The fact that political domination was granted to him, was a direct consequence of the Da'awa and Tabligh that the Muslims undertook after the Pact of Hudaibiyah (Sulh Hudaibiya). Once peace was established between the Kuffar of Makkah and the Muslims in madina, the Muslims were able to travel to all parts of the Arabian penninsula to spread the Message of the Holy Quran without being bothered by the Kuraish of Makkah. It was this period of almost two years which saw the massive conversion of the arabs to the religion of Islam. I disagree with Maulana Maudoodi Sahib, when he writes "When the Holy prophet took the Sword into his hand, the hearts began shedding the rust which had covered them and people started teurning to Islam". (these words are a rough translation of his Urdu writing which I remember by heart. My mempory may not be as accurate as it used to be. I apologise if the translation and the quotation do not do justice to the actual Urdu text. If I remember correctly the Urdu is like this "[i]Jabb aapkay haath main talvaar aaee, to dilon par say sadiyon kay zang chutnay lagay[/i] This would imply that Islam was spread by the sword! This I cannot accept. The Holy Quran is quite categorical in this respect. In Sura Al-Baqara Allah Almighty has declared: [limegreen] [2:256] There is no compulsion in religion. Surely, the right way has become distinct from error; so whosoever refuses to be led by those who transgress, and believes in Allah, has surely grasped a strong handle which knows no breaking. And Allah is All-Hearing. All-Knowing. [/limegreen] I believe that it was the example of the Holy Prophet (salAllaho alaihe wasallam) and his Sahaba, which caused the revolution, not the Sword. WaAllaho Aalam [blue]N.B. I am sorry once again if I have misquoted Maulan Maudoodi Sahib above. I will try to get the exact quotation and then post it in this section of the forum [i]InshaAllah[/i][/blue] Wassalam Navidul Haq Khan[/quote]
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