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Authenticity of ahadith
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[quote]Authenticity of Hadith There are scholars who believe that the Ahadith are as authentic as the Qur’an. This, of course, is an incorrect view. Whilst there is no need to investigate the authenticity of the Quran, both the (i) text and (ii) chain of narration of a Hadith require investigation. While investigating the text of a hadith, following two points must always remain in considerations: (a) nothing in t should be against Qur’an and Sunnah, and (b) nothing in it should be against the established facts derived from knowledge and reason. While investigating the chain of narrators of a certain hadith following points be of strict considerations: (a) the trustworthiness of narrators (other than the ‘sahaba’-the companions of the Prophet (sws), as their soundness of character, however, is an exception and does not need the conformation of any standard. The Almighty Himself has borne witness to it in His Book. Qur’an, 3:110.) (b) their memory, and (c) their contemporaneousness. Since attributing something suspect to the Prophet (sws) can be of severe consequences in this world and in that to come, it is necessary to apply these standards without any allowance and with absolute impartiality to every narrative attributed to him (sws). Only those narratives should be considered acceptable which fully conform to this standard. Thus no narrative attributed to the Prophet (sws) even if found in primary works as the al-Jami al-Sahih of Imam Bukhari, al-Jami al-Sahih of Imam Muslim and the Mu’atta of Imam Malik can be accepted without application of this standard. As far as understanding of ahadith is concerned: i) ahadith should strictly be understood in the light of Qur’an. ii) The message and the essence of a certain hadith should be determined by taking into consideration the timing and the environment relating to that particular hadith. iii) While ascertaining to the essence of a certain hadith, all other ahadith narrated in that respect / subject should also remain in view. Allama Nasiruddin Albani Apart from his life history, following are his achievements: 1. He was selected by the Faculty of Sharee’ah in the University of Damascus to make Takhreej of the Ahaadeeth of transactions that were specifically collected by the University and published in 1955. 2. He was selected to be a member of the Committee of Hadeeth that was founded during the union between Egypt and Syria. It was tasked to oversee the publication and editing of the books of the Sunnah. 3. He was requested by the Salafee University in Banaris, India, to be responsible of the affairs of Hadeeth. He excused himself from the position due to the difficulty of taking his family there during the time of war between India and Pakistan. 4. In 1388 H. Shaykh Hassan ibn ‘Abdullaah Aal ash Shaykh requested that he assume the position of supervisor for higher education in the faculty of Islaamic studies in the University of Makkah, he was unable to take up the position. 5. He was selected to be a member of the Higher Committee in the Islaamic University of Madeenah from 1395 – 1398 H. He also lectured at the University. 6. He accepted the request of the noble Shaykh ‘Abdul ‘Azeez ibn Baaz, may Allaah have mercy upon him, to travel to Egypt, Morocco and Britain to call to Tawheed and the adherence to the Qur-aan and Sunnah with the correct Islaamic methodology. 7. He received the National King Faisal prize for Islaamic Studies in 1419 H. for ‘Efforts on the knowledge of Prophetic Hadeeth’ He authored more than 30 books, few of them are: As-silsilah-as-saheehah As-silsilah-ad-da’eefah Shaheeh-wa-da’eef-sunnan,AbuDaud Shaheeh-wa-da’eef-sunnan,Tirmidhee Shaheeh-wa-da’eef-sunnan,Nasaaee Shaheeh-wa-da’eef-sunnan,Maajah [list][b][/b] (Abstracted and translated from 'Mizan' by Javed Ahmad Ghamdi)[/quote]
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