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gaza fortilla/'human factor'
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[quote]thx for your responses. may God help us to help the oppressed and the oppressors (by trying to divert them from oppression) I have been away on a weekend intensive course on 'human factor' given by an RAF professional to nhs doctors regarding human error, personality understanding & relationship, behaviors during conflicts etc. a very useful content. I suppose many of us must have had at our religious and other professional scenarios. (i was wondering if we cud also organize for our faith and interfaith bodies? as surely we deal not only with each other but also with a vaste variety of public factor) was just watching the cumbria victims' service and it's so touching to see & hear the verses from the revelations and an extensive and detailed service based on the strength of faith that is crucial during these difficult times. again I feel that we as faith bodies have a critical role to play to comfort the public during these stressful times of financial and other difficulties and stresses so that such tragic events could be avoided. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/10250074.stm may God be with our sincere and joint efforts to serve His people and look after ourselves and each other too. amen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0gJcNBKiyMI another peace message from mj I keep hearing from children:) "what about us?? the heavens are falling down what hv we done to the world look wat we hv done did u ever stop to notice all the dead children from the war i always used to see beyond the stars now i dont know where we are but i know we have drifted far....." rgds h henna khan VC Slough Faith Partnership Chair Renaissance Readers Club UK (Faith Anchor) H.Freeman (Jewish MuslimWomen's Forum West London) Dear All I thought you might be interested in reading what I am saying to the congregation tonight in my sermon. I am trying to say two things.. that being surrounded by people who express hatred and the wish to 'wipe you off the face of the earth' makes Israel extra conscious of security needs and not to take chances, whatever the international response, but also that the loss of life is a tragedy to be avoided and that the ordinary civilian population in Gaza are the people who really suffer and need help I do think that we as a group can perhaps transcend boundaries and talk about things on a level that most groups are not set up to do Sorry I won't be with you guys for the next meeting but do think we need to follow up together Love to all Helen you may write to jelen on H.Freeman@wls.org.uk From: Rita Halbright Subject: Re: voice Dear Henna - As always, thank you for your thought provoking message. I think it is fair to say that we are all deeply troubled by any loss of life. I can just say for myself, that the hardest thing for me is that it often seems to be a counter-productive situation. Palestinians are suffering deeply because they cannot get basic supplies. Israelis are afraid that the Hamas-led Palestinians will attach them so they want to control what goes into the area. How do we support both sides so they can feel safe and looked after? I know our next meeting won’t give us time to reflect on this issue, but I would welcome the opportunity to speak with some members of our group either one-on-one or in small groups to see how we can learn from each others’ reactions and insights. In peace, Rita you may write to Rita on ritah@dircon.co.uk Rabbi Zvi Solomons Here in Reading I have repeatedly tried to set up dialogue between the ladies of my community and the Muslim community, but keep getting blanked. We really need to meet each other socially and talk to each other – there is far too much importation of foreign politics and talk of oppressors and oppressed when this is actually a complicated issue worthy of even-handedness and fairness. I have found that my very small community here in Reading have already suffered from the Gaza incursions last year – at the hands of Muslim youths, which I find most ironic, since we try to foster good relations with Muslims in Reading. I find that it helps not to avoid issues but to see the matter from the eyes of the other side, and work towards true understanding whilst maintaining our integrity. Let’s not let this become a tribal issue. It’s not Muslims versus the world, it’s a small group running Gaza versus the Israeli Government. To state otherwise would be to cause unnecessary conflict. Please note that we’re so very small that we don’t even have a synagogue in Slough – but we do have one in Reading which serves the Jews of Slough. Regards Rabbi Zvi Solomons Rabbi Zvi Solomons Minister Reading Hebrew Congregation 7 Goldsmid Road Reading RG1 7YB 0118 957 1018 Mobile 07828 742282 www.rhc.org.uk On 6/1/10 9:36 PM, "HKhan135@aol.com" <HKhan135@aol.com> wrote: the <http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/10208027.stm> gaza convoy attack;very disturbing news. some friends & children were asking;ur interfaith & jewish muslim forums colleagues must hv written to the embassy~wondering if we are designing a letter or something there are 42 british citizens sala'm/sholom h henna khan vc slough faith partnership CEO & Dean Faith Anchor(A project of Renaissance Readers Club UK)[/quote]
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