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Winds in action: Sand-dust transporting wind syste
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[quote]Winds in action: Sand-dust transporting wind systems. وَالْعَادِيَاتِ ضَبْحًا فَالْمُورِيَاتِ قَدْحًا فَالْمُغِيرَاتِ صُبْحًا فَأَثَرْنَ بِهِ نَقْعًا فَوَسَطْنَ بِهِ جَمْعًا And swearing is by the Transitioning Winds in warm and hissing state. [100:01] Thereby, they are the Exposer of the concealed like excavating something; [100:02] whereat they are the causers of declining obscuring the day as dawn. [100:03] Subsequently, they excited and raised it-excavated matter as macerated dust.[100:04] thereat they settled it in midst heaped-accumulated. [100:05] الْعَادِيَاتِ Active Participle: Definite; sound Plural; Feminine; genitive, Verbal Noun عَدْوٌ. Its Root is "ع د و". The basic perception is of those feminine objects that disassociate and move-distance away from another. Same is the basic signification infolded in the Root, as stated by Ibn Faris: يدلُّ على تجاوُزٍ في الشيء وتقدُّمٍ لما ينبغي أن يقتصر عليه "That it leads to the perception to move away-traverse instead of remaining confined, limited or reduced to the thing". It, therefore, denotes those who have become enemy signifying disassociation of affiliation, nearness, distancing. Element of heat, warmness, conflict, friction and agitation is inherent in the action signified by the Root in whatever semantic field it might be used. Lane's Lexicon, quoting Er-Raghib, describes its primary signification as; "transition; or the going, passing beyond, or transgressing: and incompatibility to coalescence". ضَبْحًا Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative. It will not make much of a difference if we take it as Cognate Adverb for elided verb, or as Circumstance. It illustrates action and the state of those feminine Active Participles. It signifies, "alteration caused by fire, and the Sun but not in a great degree; signifies the sound that is heard from the mouths of horses when fatigued-running [Lane Lexicon]. The hot air emitted from nostrils of horses running-velocity produces little pulses of sound. So is the hiss of air escaping with velocity [the rate of change in the position of an object as it moves in a particular direction]. These two words portray most important characteristics of winds, that are direction, velocity and turbulence, which cause the following action. فَالْمُورِيَاتِ Conjunction particle فَ Cause and effect indicative + Active Participle: definite; sound Plural; feminine; genitive; [Form-IV]. Subsequently the الْعَادِيَاتِ become such actors who expose something hidden. قَدْحًا Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative, signifies the state, or the manner these feminine Active Participles perform the act of exposing objects. Ibn Faris said, يدلُّ على غَرْفِ شيء that it leads to the perception "scoop up, ladle". Lane's Lexicon shows its meanings as "extracting, eliciting". فَالْمُغِيرَاتِ Conjunction particle فَ Cause and effect indicative + Active Participle: definite; sound Plural; feminine; genitive; [Form-IV]. The preceding action reaching culmination, those feminine Active Participles cause declining and obscuring the day as صُبْحًا dawn. The dust storms reduce the visibility and the day seems as early morning. فَأَثَرْنَ Verb: Perfect; third person; plural; feminine; [Form-IV]; [نون النسوة] Suffixed Subject pronoun, in nominative state; مصدر-إِثَارَةٌ Verbal noun. This feminine Verb alone suffices to negate all those translations who bring in horses, steed in these illustrative Verbal Passages. All the Active Participles are Feminine, and the Subject Pronoun of both Verbs are feminine plural. Angels [certainly masculine] and "panting horses" have nothing to do with these words of Qur'aan. That are just imaginative flights. نَقْعًا is the object of Verb. It signifies soaked, macerated dust particle, a small place for collection of water. Having performed this action, they did this فَوَسَطْنَ بِهِ , thereat, they settled along with it in the midst location of an object having many locations. جَمْعًا Verbal Noun: Indefinite; accusative, it denotes accumulation, gathering. Arabic words are illustrative. They verbally mirror the image of actions and states in such manner that its complete picture and visuals become conveniently perceivable. To verify this statement, just keep in mind the perception and meanings of ten words in above five Unitary Verbal Passages and read about Wind action; Harmattan; Sirocco; Dune formation in Encyclopedias. http://haqeeqat.org.pk/English%20Tafsir%20e%20Haqeeqat/00.%20Individual%20Ayaat/100/01-05.htm[url="http://haqeeqat.org.pk/English%20Tafsir%20e%20Haqeeqat/00.%20Individual%20Ayaat/100/01-05.htm"]Winds in action: Sand-dust transporting system[/url][/quote]
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