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Islamic Schools vs Western Education
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[quote]Wa Aleikum Assalaam Saadia and All, Just as abdullah099 stated, I also am borned and raised in USA educational system since preschool. My parents worked hard and waned us to attend private school, so my brothers and i traveled 2 cities away to a private school, but it was Christian. However, it was the best decision my parents could have made for us. The standard was high. We peformed well, and my parents, especially my father made sure to supplement what we learned in school regarding Christianity with lessons on Islam. My parents still have no knowledge of Arabic beyond simple terms, but they made sure we studied all we could after school, and on weekends. We moved, and so we left our private Christian school wheni was in 3rd grade. I went to public school after that. As a resultof such a great academic education, all through school i was at the top of my class. Public schools in poorer areas cannot compete with private school as far as quality f education is conccerned. When i was in high school, I was maybe the only identifiable muslimah. I had aquaintances and one friend. Even though there is a lot of negative peer pressure and sexual encoutners , etc going on in school. I believe that as long as the parents instill solid Islamic values from the beginning and constantly reinforce those values with their own behavior, etc. The Muslims student in any situation will be fine. Even if they go to Islamic school, they will stilll see half-naked women and men on the way to and from school and o weekends, and any time the turn on the TV. As an adult now, when i have babies nshaAllah I will send them to private Islamic shool because there is one in the area and I want them to have a strong academic education and more exposure to Islam than I had growing up nshaAllah. Westernized does not inherently mean something evil or something to be avoided. In terms of modern education, i think it is essential for our children to be educated in all areas of academia so they can be more knowledgeable, competitive and marketable in today's society and economy. I also think that Islamic education is imperative especially for those Muslim children growing up here in the USA or places like UK and other minority Islamic nations. What good is being an A student going to Harvard if you have no taqwa? What good is earning $100,000 year if you do not even know how to perform salaat? I think about these things. I am not a parent yet, but when i willbe nshaAllah, It will be mine and my husband's responsibility to nnuture our children and cultivate their hearts for Islam, and thier minds for success and knowledge in every aspect of the physical and spiritual. It is important to me that my childen will not be just Muslims by title and birth, Allah forbid. I want them to be muumin and spend of their lives seeking knowledge and truth in Islam. Islam is not just literature; it is a way of life. Islamic education, to me, means just this. teaching our children the way of life for all, complete submission to Allah and to Him alone. AlhamduliAllah I am a Muslim. I do agre with Abdullah that if I could do it all over again, I would prefer to go to Islmaic school ofr the first years of my life (instead of Christian), but i still learned many valuable lessons and learned more about my own inner strength and will to defeat the influence of shaytan during the years i went to public school. I think the strong foundation in Islamic schools prepare the child for formal or modern education in public school if that is the choice of the parents. I think that sending my children to Islamic school preschool through high school would be a disservice, and sending my children to public school preschool to high school would also be a disservice. It is important to be upright Muslims,never comprimising our beliefs, but always being able to adapt to and participate in this society. I hope i have not bored anyone to sleep. I hope also this makes sense because i am writing this during short breaks at work. Fi Amani Allah Jameelah[/quote]
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