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[quote]with the name of allah alsalam alkum i must say; i have leaved in/with all points of view mention here. i'm a decendent of those men who stoled this country, the usa from the native people. most of my life i believed that white people were superior to other races. i also, believed: the chritain view, that through jesus comes the only salvation to mankind. i believed he was g-d, the son of g-d, and the holy spirit, the trinty concept of g-d. but i also believed in the american view of, all men where created equal, but different, and due to the race, should live seperate. my mother's generation made sure that their daughter's grow up with free choice. you know, women liberation. and it was my mom who gave me insight to a different path. and i was given the freedom to explore it. i married out side my race and religion. funny thing is, i married an arab muslim. who came to this country at the age of 19 years old. he is palestian, but was raised in kuwait.he came to this country to get an education, however, that's not, what he eneded up with. he married me as a christain, and lived my way of life as an american. he told me he was a muslim but, that was all. never did he say, anything about islam. seven years, we were married and his parents moved to the states from kuwait. he came home one day, and told me that i had to become muslim, and he wanted me to dress like his sister's a mother. well, i said, no way! so, he told me he wanted a divorce. i said fine. about 3 day's later, he returned, and asked, if i changed my mind? ell of course i didn't. i had be making plans to move back home with my mom. he said i could leave,but, that i couldn't take our 2 children. well, he didn't leave the house with the chrildren either. anyways, he return, and said; that he really didn't want a divorce and wanted to work things out. i said fine under my conditions. we moved away from that area, which was 3 hours from his parent's house. we would visit them and things were fine. they moved to palestine 5 yrs. later. my children was raised for the most part, like i was. i allowed my children the choice of learning what their father beleived. and left it up to them, to chose which religion they wanted to follow. well, 5 yrs. ago. i reverted to islam. i was a person who stated: i would never be a muslim! how wrong, was i? it was a 9 years journey, before i found islam. i had no desire for that religion, because of the muslim's i knew. after reading the qur'an. i discovered, you can't jude islam, by muslim's. that is for the most part, and not of all. after, my reversion. i wanted to tell my children that i was no-longer a christain. and to my surprise, neither were they. now, today, my youngest son goes to an islamic school. this is his second year. he will be 15yrs. old tomorrow. at first, he didn't want to go to an islamic school. but now he don't want to go to a puplic school. he isn't strong in his islamic pratices yet, but he has begun to chose for himself islam. and that is and was my purpose to let him chose islam for himself. he spent 8yrs. of his life in puplic school, and most of his life with a christain and american view. now he is, a muslim and an american. so, any one who believes that it's the west that corrurpts, islam or a muslim. i can say 100 persent, that's not true! we all make our own choices, when all is said and done. my country (usa) doesn't prvent me from me following islam or being a muslim. it is my given right here, a right that my forefather's fought and died for. and mant inncent people were killed in that fight for the freedom of the usa. and the fight still carries on today. that is way, we are able to have this debate, cause you can't in alot of other countiers in the world. including, countries in the west and east. so, lets not put the west done, we it offer's you your livlyhood. cause the majority of muslim's in the west don't have to live in the west. there is a saying; don't bite the hand that feeds you. may allah bless us, have mercy on us, please forgive me if i offended anyone. but, truth stands out against falsehood.[/quote]
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