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Islamic Schools vs Western Education
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[quote]with the name of allah alsalam alkum, sister jxmedina i stated, that it was my forefathers who stoled this land from its native people. this statement says; alot to an american. it includes everything that this country is or ever will be. the west isn't just america. but your point about my "rightious" forefathers, bringing black slaves to this country. shows the darkness in your heart. for i never said they were "rightious", nor do i now claim that they were. to steal another's land isn't "rightious". so i think you mis understood. and the fact is: a i'm american and i make no aplogies for that. i sound american because i am american. if i thought that i was still superior, i wouldn't be written this letter to you, cause i wouldn't be muslim, and i wouldn't have no need to be on this web site. i would be on the white superiority web site.futhermore, puplic education is the reflection of this nation. the puplic education doesn't offer religious education. it a secular education, which tolerance must be applied for all to get along. just like this nation. tolreance must be taught to its citzens, so, all people can live together. this is what i meant, by, don't bite the hand that feeds you. you see, my forfathers were not immigrantsand neither i'm i. let me explain american history to you. first, i am a occuppier of this land, reason being: it isn't the native land of my founding forefathers. second, these forefathers set out to conqure this land from it's people, and they did, by force, and not by peace. they almost "wiped out" the native people, until the indians surrendered.and had it not be for the civil war, and the yankees of the north defeated the southerners of the confedrates. slavary would still be here and not only that, immigrants wouldn't consist of the immigrants of today. thou, this country of america exsist today, and has for 500yrs. it wasn't established by its native people. so, none of us in this country are immigrants, we are occupiers. the indians, didn't invite us here, they have no say in the matter of who can or can not live here. the natives of this land live on pieces of land, know as; reservation's. their land is marked, with some type of fencing around it. so, i hope that, this gives you more insight to my "american superiority" since you seem not to be an american, thou you live here. since i'm sure it's by choice. unlike me, i have no other country than this one. from the beginning of this discussion, i was given my opinion, to all the other opinions in the discussion. but since you had a problem with me, i thought that i would give you a taste of your arragance. which i'm sure you don't see. futher more, i don't care if you like me or not, that's your opinion of me. cause their are others, who lke my points,and abrrasiviness. so, to each his own. i wish you all the best in your dilema. may allah bless us, and let not our hearts go astray after he has guided us. if i have offended any of the readers, please forgive me, for that ins't my intention. for truth stands out aginst falsehood.[/quote]
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