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how non-muslims are treated in Islamic Countries?
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[quote]This post was sent to me by a non-Muslim friend and i would like the moderator of this forum to please present his comments on it. [u][b]Non-Muslims are treated as unclean in Islamic countries. Is it human right? [/b] [/u] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [green]In the past in most Islamic countries Jews, Christians and other minorities were not allowed to go out of their homes on rainy days because a drop of rain could rub from their najis or unclean bodies and soil the Muslims. This belief was responsible for a lot of discrimination and atrocities. But do you know the same rule still exists?!! If you ask them WHY, they will reply, because that's what Quran said based on following verse:: 009.028 http://www.usc.edu/dept/MSA/quran/009.qmt.html YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! Truly the Pagans are unclean; so let them not, after this year of theirs, approach the Sacred Mosque. And if ye fear poverty, soon will Allah enrich you, if He wills, out of His bounty, for Allah is All-knowing, All-wise. Obviously Christians and Jews are also considered as Pagans or Mushriks. According to Muslim beliefs, impure things are divided into eleven categories: 1) urine 2) feces 3) sperm 4) corpse 5) blood 6) dog 7) pig 8) unbelievers 9) liquor 10) wine 11) the sweat of those who eat impure things http://www.imamreza.net/old/eng/lib...Cleanliness.htm What the reaction of a boy or girl who has been born in a Christian or Jewish family should be when he realizes that he is considered as an unbeliever and is treated as feces?!! If her or his classmates touch him, they should wash their hands?!! Isn’t it humiliating? But that's not all, see the other rules: 1- The non-Muslims in Islamic countries are not allowed to preach their religion and convert anyone. If a Muslim becomes a Christian or a Baha’i, he will be put to death along with the person who has converted him. 2- A Muslim man may marry a non-Muslim but if a Muslima (Muslim woman) marry a non-Muslim man both of them must be killed. 3- The non-Muslims may not build their houses higher than the Muslims. 4- They may not walk in the streets in the rainy days least they defile a Muslim. 5- The life of a non-believer is not worth that of a believer and if a Muslim kills a non-believer he could not be killed for that. 6- The testimony of a non-believer against a Muslim is not admitted in the court, so if a Muslim attack a nonbeliever and no other Muslim is found o witness, neither the victim nor other non-Muslims who have witnessed he assault may testify. 7- The Christians and the Jews do not have to be killed and forced to convert, but they have to pay a penalty tax called Jizyah. This Jizyah can be as high as half of the income of these non-Muslims. This was the amount that the prophet exacted from the Jews of Kheibar after he attacked that town, killed their men, divided their belongings and young women amongst his soldiers keeping “Safiyah” the prettiest of them for himself, whom he slept with her in the same day that he killed her newly wed husband, brothers and many of her relatives. Her father he had decapitated before. And it seems nobody cares to what is happening to the millions of Non-Moslems in these countries! they have oil, you know! Please read my questions here: http://www.freewebs.com/islamfaq/index.htm[/green][/quote]
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