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[quote][i]The Extended Communities Project of Studying Islam can now be accessed on[/i] www.serving-humanity.net [blue]Dear Members[/blue] asslamu alaykum (peace) The Communities @ Studying Islam Project is organized with the intention of giving you an opportunity to convey/discuss your concerns with other community members belonging to different walks of life like teachers, doctors, house wives, psychologists, voluntary workers, lawyers, scholars, students, writers and members from many other professions and specialities (even unemployed members) vide infra, either on the forum or via email through contacts available on the site. This project aims at bringing together like minded people who are interested in *[purple]becoming better human beings *and in helping humanity *as well as getting their own queries/problems solved. [/purple] If you wish to join, you may either write in the forum directly or email hkhan135@aol.com <mailto:hkhan135@aol.com> or zulnain@yahoo.com ajmal_ahmed@hotmail.com Members who wish to post their CVs to the forum may send to Muhammad Farhan Khan farhan_bsb@yahoo.com, who is a member of our I.T. communities, for formating and posting to the forums on the link http://www.studying-islam.org/forum/topic.aspx?topicid=1551&lang=&forumid=36 The members who have already nominated themselves for the project may send any local communal activities they are involved with; as we update with a four monthly report on the Communities forum. This becomes a source of inspiration to get involved where you live. with warm regards The Team @ Studying Islam www.studying-islam.org [purple]Please note that this will mean disclosing your email address to all members or atleast the ones who need to contact you.[/purple] However if someone does not wish to put up his/her concern on the forum, he/she may write directly to the moderator or the person he/she wishes to contact. So far we have the following Communities. Add yours and bring your friends/family to them. [/blue] [b][navy][u]COMMUNITIES @ STUDYING ISLAM[/u][/navy][/b] [u][maroon]Accountants/ Bankers /Economists/Financing @ Studying Islam[/maroon][/u] Bazi Khan bazikhans@hotmail.com (cost n management) Brian Kettle bkettell@hotmail.com www.islamicbankingcourses.com Jhangeer Hanif jhangeerhanif@hotmail.com (islamic finance/economics) Iram A.Khan ikhan@speedpost.net (economic research) Kamar Deen Abimbola Kasali abimbolak@yahoo.co.uk Omer Sarwar masteromz55@hotmail.com (religion n economics) Osman Butt mani_143@hotmail.com (banker) Rehan Yusuf yusufrehan@hotmail.com Saqib Javaid accounts & Taxes saqi12345@aol.com Syed Asrar Ahmed Official: asrar@arieslogistics.com personal: yaar_nayab@hotmail.com Accountant in a Freight Forwarding Firm; also studying in ICMAP [Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Pakistan]; (Name not disclosed: Canada) e0gdke5x@utm.utoronto.ca [purple]Astronomers @ Studying Islam[/purple] Abdurrazak Ebrahim Snr (Dr) ebrahimsenior@ctrs.co.za Farhan Khan farhan_bsbs@yahoo.com [red][u]Barrister/Solicitors @ Studying Islam[/u][/red] [red][b]Coordinator:[/b] [/red] Saiful Islam (Speciality:Family Law) saifonline_786@hotmail.co.uk Ghazala Bibi UK barristerb100@yahoo.co.uk Karimah. USA (works with the county juvenile court system in the community based services office.Ohio,USA) Raffia Arshad UK raffiaarshad@hotmail.com Rosie Khan UK rosiekhan@hotmail.com Saiful Islam Family Law/saifonline_786@yahoo.co.uk Taj ul Islam Tajul@hotmail.co.uk (final year Law student UK) Yasmeen Akhtar lil_yaz_786@hotmail.com UK [u][purple]Business[/purple][/u] Calvin Berry(U.S.) calber@bellsouth.net Faiza Sheikh faizasheikh@hotmail.com Mohamud Yaseen Bakurraly (Mauritius) Director Import-Export Agency BAKCo.Ltd. bakagency@hotmail.com M.A.Chaudhry. Import/export of textile, furniture, etc. mamlish@hotmail.com [u][navy] Doctors @ Studying Islam[/navy][/u] ps sister site www.serving-humanity.net and you may also write to serving.humanity@gmail.com for advice from Doctors. Dr. Ahmed Sayasneh sayasneh@mail2world.com Obs & Gynae UK Dr.Arshad Khan Histopathology UK. doctoraak@hotmail.com Dr. Musa Akhlaq musaakhlaq@hotmail.com Surgeon (and Psychiatrist.) Pak Dr.Bilqeeskhawaja bilqeeskhawaja@hotmail.com Obs & GynaeUK Dr. Bismeen Jadoon bismeen@yahoo.com Obs & Gynae UK Dr.Christina Pandian crista_m25@hotmail.com Obs & Gynae UK Dr.Henna Khan hkhan135@aol.com Obs & Gynae UK Dr.Ibrahim Nasr ibrahim.nasr@ntlworld.com Dermatology/Skin.UK Dr.Smita Sharma smitasssharma@rediffmail.com General Surgeon India Dr.Muhammad Iqbal Bappi iqbappi@hotmail.com General Practitioner Pak Dr.Mahboobara Khanum makhanum@hotmail.com Obs & Gynae UK Dr.Miriamalkashi miriamalkashi@hotmail.com General Practice UK Dr.M.K.Tarin mktarin@hotmail.com PhysicianUK Dr.Mujahid Zaheer m.zaheer@sky.com UK (Anaesthetist) Dr.Navid ul Haq Khan drnhkhan@hotmail.com UK Histopathology Dr.Nayyara Qureshi nayyara2004@hotmail.com UK Dr.Nesrine Abdalla neeta78@yahoo.com UK Dr. Safaa Ismail safibahgat@hotmail.com Obs & Gynae UK Dr.Sameena Kausar sameenakausar@hotmail.com Obs & Gynae UK Dr. Seyed Zakir Hossain baby13@aitlbd.net General Practice Pak Dr Shirin Shakur shz_65@hotmail.com General Practice UK Dr.Sohail Ahmed therealsaracen@hotmail.com General Practice UK Dr Smita Sharma smitasssharma@hotmail.com. Surgeon. India Dr. Uzma Ghaffar uzmagha@hotmail.com UK Dr.Waseem Aslam kaz5sam@aol.com General Practice UK Yasmeen Taj yasmeentajdoc@yahoo.co.uk Dr. Zulfiqar Shaik drzmshaik@hotmail.com General Practice S.Africa Henna Akhter hennaa_2003@yahoo.dk Denmark(med student) Mary Krapf muslim_mary@hotmail.com (Dental medical student) Shahzad Javid shaz5050@hotmail.com Ireland (med student) [u][blue]Engineers @ Studying Islam[/blue][/u] [red][u][b]Coordinator: [/b] [/u] [/red] Engr. Ajmal Ahmed simeaf@yahoo.com (Mech) Oman Engr. Meerah. meerahmahmood@hotmail.com Engr. Mustopha Rosheed bigrashy2k@yahoo.co.uk Engr. Mohammad Azam azam_sericsson@hotmail.com Engr. Mohammed Salahuddin salahblr@gmail.com Dammam Engr.Muhammad Saquib Sarfraz saqeme@yahoo.com Engr. Mohammad Sarwar csarwar@hotmail.com, cmsarawar@hotmail.com (Chem) Engr. Mohammed Safeeruddin Safeer@acer.co.in Engr. Muhammad Wajahatullah Khan khusro82@hotmail.com Engr. Naina Mohammed mail_moosa@rediffmail.com Engr. Para para4321@yahoo.com Engr. Raghda Gabr blaze21@mail.com(Gold Coast. Australia) Engr.Shehzad Saleem ssaleem@lhr.paknet.com.pk Dr.Siddiq Qidwai siddiq_qidwai@yahoo.com (Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering ;research and development engineer.) Virginia. Engr. Usman puliking_usman@rediffmail.com Engr. Vasim Raja vasimraja@tataelxsi.co.in Engr. Syed Nadeem Ali nadeemalisyed@hotmail.com (Chem) ME Engr.Thet Hlaing thethlaing@mail4u.com.mm Engineer,MBA, Myanamar Engr.Shahul Hameed shahameed@gmail.com Engineer, Kuwait. [b] [u][orange]House Wives @ Studying Islam[/orange][/b][/u] Sultana asa1005@sbcglobal.net Ghazala c/o stislamuk@aol.com Henna Khan hkhan135@aol.com J.Honesty J_Honesty@yahoo.com Canada Lubna Atif lubnaatif03@hotmail.com Mary Krapf muslim_mary@hotmail.com Najeeba malixavan@hotmail.com, nasda159@aol.com Nasreen Akhtar Khan nakhtar489@hotmail.com Nadya Jo c/o stislamuk@aol.com Para para4321@yahoo.com Plamena plamena15@hotmail.com Salma Zafar c/o stislamuk@aol.com Shazma Yousuf. shazzum@hotmail.com Sumayyah Umm Sadiqah wa Asma. Yasmeen Taj yasmeentajdoc@yahoo.co.uk Sumayyah Umm Sadiqah wa Asma sum@yemenlinks.com [u][teal]Human Resources Administration[/teal][/u] J.Honesty J_Honesty@yahoo.com Canada Faizah USA ldyqtee6@aol.com khaledgr8 khaledgr8@yahoo.com [blue][u]Humanitarian Aid Workers[/u][/blue] Sarah Dinas smdinas@yahoo.co.uk (Public Health) [u] [red]Interior Designer[/red][/u] FMajeed farahmajeed@Hotmail.com UK [u][b][teal]I.T. Specialists @ Studying Islam[/teal][/b][/u] [b][u][red]Coordinator:[/red][/u][/b] Muhammad Farhan Khan farhan_bsb@yahoo.com AbdulMas'ud masud4deen@hotmail.com. Arbab ali Khan arbab_khan@da-iict.org Imran yousuf imran786@gmail.com Fahad. engr.fahad@gmail.com Fahad Ahmed : fahad_ai2003@yahoo.com F.Asad Nasda159@aol.com Fatima Beltagui F.H.Choudhry. razzledazzler2@yahoo.com. haroonnet2002@yahoo.co.uk and Web site http://uk.geocities.com/haroonnet2002 Naveed Ahmed UK itdeskpk@yahoo.com Mohammed.Zabiul.Huck.Nawaz Nawaz nawaz4u_19@yahoo.co.in Mona Ali : mona916@gmail.com Muhammad Farhan Khan farhan_bsb@yahoo.com Soft ware Developer Muhammad Waseem Arfi mwaseem@intechww.com Rashid Qadri : rashid@ambianz.ca Sally Mohamed UK (Computer engineer and Web designer) sally.mohamed@gmail.com smfahmy@hotmail.com S.A. Software Engineer. Bangladesh. Tarik Shafi tarik.shafi@ntlworld.com (Graphic Designer) [u][b][orange] Journalists @ Studying Islam[/orange][/b][/u] Siddiq Bukhary sbukhary@wol.net.pk suayharam@gmail.com [u][b][green]Librarians @ Studying Islam[/green][/b][/u] Kauthar kauthar1981@yahoo.com [u][b][green]Marketeers and/or Sales Professionals.[/green][/b][/u] Khurram mahmood.khurram-ch@unilever.com Muhammad Iqbal rhtdm_niceguy@hotmail.com sales officer in INNOVATIVE PVT. Showkat Ali K.Saudi Arabia showkat ali [u][purple]Media and Cultural Arts Promoter[/purple][/u] FS Muhammad Japan. MuhammadinJapan@aol.com [blue] [u]Poets@Studying Islam[/u][/blue] Shazma Yousuf. shazzum@hotmail.com Bahrain Arub Saqib twitee135@aol.com [u][purple]Politicians@Studying Islam[/purple][/u] (member left) [u][green]Photographers @ Studying Islam[/green][/u] Malik Shafique malikchiki@hotmail.com Morco sales@sithean.demon.co.uk Mrs.Zarqa Shafique malikchiki@hotmail.com [u][blue]Psychologists and Psychiatrists @ Studying Islam[/u] [/blue] Aaliyah aaliyah_z_shaikh@hotmail.com (student) Elizabeth/Iman elizabethpenny@hotmail.com Fahima psyfahima@yahoo.co.in (India) Farzana Gill farzana714@hotmail.com Lubna Atif lubnaatif03@hotmail.com Dr.Musa Akhlaq (Psychiatrist) musaakhlaq@hotmail.com Sadia Saleem sadiasaleem5@hotmail.com S.Hamid destined2die@hotmail.com [green][u]Reverts/Converts @ studying Islam[/u][/green] Jennifer Honesty. J_Honesty@yahoo.com Canada Abdul Qodri alkaothar@yahoo.com [u] [maroon]Speech Language Pathologists@ Studying Islam[/maroon][/u] nurilanwar. faizalm17@yahoo.com [u][navy]Students @ Studying Islam[/navy][/u] Abdulah Shah abdullahshah486@hotmail.com (Pak) Year 11 Abdul Kareem (Pak) karim_ist@yahoo.com (Islamic Culture) Aftab aftabm786@hotmail.com AlAzhar Uni. Egypt A.Saqib twitee135@aol.com (Year 10 updated yr 12) M.Amir Naem caring_grief@yahoo.com B.Saqib Smiles269@aol.com (Year 8. updated: yr 10 ) Bilal Sahib bilal_1@hotmail.co.uk (year 10) Faiza Sheikh faizasheikh@hotmail.com MBA (Teaching sub Maths) Farhan Khan farhan_bsb@yahoo.com I.T. Farzeen Malik nasda159@aol.com, malixawan@hotmail.com A levels (updated:Uni)I.T. Fayyaz Hassan zayaf_786@yahoo.com Hanifa mahdi hanifa333@yahoo.com Henna Akhtar hennaa_2003@yahoo.dk (medical) Hischam Khan Hischam_Khan@hotmail.com (A Levels) Ibrahim Shehzad ibrahim_manu@hotmail.com (Year 8) J.Honesty J_Honesty@yahoo.com Canada Mary Krapf muslim_mary@hotmail.com (Dental medical student) Maryam Taufeeq graffitti_86@hotmail.com Mizanur UK miz_da_man2004@hotmail.com Muhammad Riaz bahrulwaqt@yahoo.com Namra Malik UK Year 11 R.Mian chillin_out247@hotmail.com (Year 8) Shahzad Javid shaz5050@hotmail.com (Medicine) Shopna shopnaj@yahoo.co.uk (Lab Technician) S.Mian ifuwereme24_7@hotmail.com (Year 9) Usman puliking_usman@rediffmail.com (research student in wireless communications and telecom engineering. Glasgow.) [u][red]Teachers @ Studying Islam[/red][/u] [red][u][b]Coordinator: [/b] [/u] [/red] Aslam Mir aslammir@gmail.com Ambreen ambreeen@gmail.com Arjumand arjumand_82@yahoo.co.in Aslam Mir aslammir@gmail.com Faisal Naveed faisalnaveedmalik@yahoo.com Geraldine GERRYNAHUM@aol.com (English, maths, personal development) Idriss Usman idriss_usman@yahoo.co.uk Khalid. info@mansfieldmanor.co.uk teaching chemistry to 'A' Level and GCSE science in a secondary school in UK Muhammad Atique Ur Rehman m_atique_pk@yahoo.com m_atique_pk@hotmail.com Muhammad Ibrahim muhammadibra@hotmail.com (Teaching @ Studying Islam & Almawrid Institute of Islamic Sciences.) Muhammad Zaheer Quindeel (Pak) quindeel@gmail.com Urdu Lecturer Cadet College Hassan Abdal Sara Iqbal saraiqbal@gmail.com MA Islamic Studies.Mphil in process. Sajeda sajeda.rashid@akesp.org Shazzum. shazzum@hotmail.com [purple][u]Unemployed @ Studying Islam[/u][/purple] Nauman nilyas@cyber.net.pk [u][maroon][b] Writers & Islamic Researchers @ Studying Islam[/maroon[/b]][/u] Faisal Zijah faisalzijah@yahoo.com (problems and prospects of muslim women in south asia ) Farzana Gill farzana714@hotmail.com (General) Jhangeer Hanif jhangeerhanif@hotmail.com (Islamic Finances and General) Lynn Richardson unicorn39@comcast.net (General & adult converts to a new faith) Muhammad Ibrahim muhammadibra@hotmail.com (General) Mush Khan <mushkk@gmail.com> (General) Mian Naqib Hamid naqibhamid@yahoo.com (Religion. Society & Politics) Rehman Malik wildeaglet1@yahoo.com (General) Saadia Malik saadiam@wol.net.pk Pak. (General) Sara Iqbal saraiqbal@gmail.com Pak. MA Islamic Studies.Mphil in process. (General) Siddiq Bukhary sbukhary@wol.net.pk suayharam@gmail.com Shehzad Saleem ssaleem@lhr.paknet.com.pk , ssaleem100@gmail.com(History of Qura’n and General) Tariq Mahmood Hashmi tariqhashmik@yahoo.com (General) Pls excuse any mistakes/missed and write to me or Ajmal. If someone still does not wish to disclose email, let us know plz [^] [font=Comic Sans MS][red]HAPPY UNION[:D][/red][/font=Comic Sans MS] [font=Comic Sans MS][navy]ADD MORE![/navy] [/font=Comic Sans MS] [8D] Edited by: hkhan on Monday, September 24, 2007 10:54 AM[/quote]
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