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Topic initiated on Wednesday, December 22, 2004  -  7:05 AM Reply with quote
Death Penalty

I found the following on this computer. Comments?

Human rights argument
Deterrence argument
Execution of the innocent argument

Not an effective deterrent
-No one has ever been to demonstrate statistically that killing murders deters others
For example, rate of crime has decreased since 1975, just before the abolish of death penalty

There are some prisoners who wrongly convicted in death row
-since 1973, 95people misjudged in US

The ways of execution are cruel, inhumane
-injection, electrocution are not always smooth, painless
death penalty is no more than a legal murder committed by authority

Society is also responsible to the criminals
-Lots of criminals have unfortunate backgrounds such as being abused as a child by an alcoholic father. Societies do not much concern about estranged people.

Death penalty can breed contempt for human life

Death penalty could be used by dictator for maintain his political power

The purpose of law is not a punishment but enlightenment

We should give them opportunities to realize and convert their faults.


In Korea, few days ago, the worst serial killer has been sentenced to death after being convicted of murdering 20 people. Because there has been no execution for more than 6 years, the accident will obviously brought controversial debates. Actually, the current of the world tends to abolish death penalty; according to international amnesty, 112 countries have abolished the death penalty in law or practice. It’s more than half of countries in the world. However few countries revive death penalty. Thus the right to live is the most basic right among human rights, so the death penalty is controversial case.

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