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Posted - Friday, November 17, 2006  -  12:04 PM Reply with quote
For more regarding this communication between me and them regarding Qur'an translation issues and their negligence on proper defense, awareness and propagation of Hadith material freely online and in largescale translation into English.

See my contact email given at :

Posted - Saturday, November 18, 2006  -  7:45 AM Reply with quote

1. I have lost that email address

2. don't remember their exact response.

3. But they did reply

4. their reply was mainly about saying that Khalifa doesn't mean vicegerant,

5. And you tell me why they haven't established Hadith Complex or any serious Hadith organization yet???

6. You don't mean they want to ignore Hadith do they?

If you have a complaint about any organization, please write to them directly. Then please copy and paste their reply here so that we can see if we can be of any help

Posted - Saturday, November 18, 2006  -  12:31 PM Reply with quote
Aboosait, said……….. Death occurs when the soul separates from the human body and enters the realm of 'Barzakh', which is the period between one's death and the Hereafter.

actually i wanted to confirm this point, yu qoted, [the soul separates from the human body and enters the realm of 'Barzakh']. if the soul separates and shifts somewhere else, how then it is mortal? this actually was my question.

and i agree with yur answer to my question [Are you sure, Nafs means soul?].

Posted - Saturday, November 18, 2006  -  2:03 PM Reply with quote

Aboosait, said……….. Death occurs when the soul separates from the human body and enters the realm of 'Barzakh',

if the soul separates and shifts somewhere else, how then it is mortal?

There is some confusion.

According to Wordnet, mortal(adjective) means anything that is subject to death

Also we know,

1. Death is not the absolute end.

2. It is the discontinuation of unity between the body and soul.

3. It is a change from one state to another and

4. a transition from this present life to that of the hereafter.

These four points hold good for both the body and the soul. (we may exempt soul from point no.3?)

What will be the conclusion? (which is mortal- Body? Soul? both? Or neither of the two?)

Posted - Monday, November 20, 2006  -  10:42 AM Reply with quote

when they don't listen ,

I will have to create demand pressure on them .

As I said before I have lost the reply, but only remember a few points like Khalifa etc...

What help?

yes help me. Tell me how in the world can khalifa be translated into (mankind) generations after generations.

And you contact them and try to convince them to correct this .

Posted - Monday, November 20, 2006  -  1:17 PM Reply with quote
when they don't listen ,

Please tell me who 'they' are.

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