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Posted - Thursday, March 18, 2010  -  5:25 PM Reply with quote
Satan has not been given the power to govern man's life on earth. This is a wrong concept. Allah says clearly in Qur'an that Satan will have no final control or power on God's true slaves. He and his generations may be able to allure them temporarily but they will not be able to change their main track that goes towards their Beloved Creator i.e. صراط مستقيم Sirat e Mustaqeem
The fact that whether it was a Jinn or an angel, doesn't really matter much to the lesson to be learned. We must not waste time in nitty gritties, rather take the moral and essence from the story.

This is my humble opinion. Allah knows the best.

Posted - Thursday, March 18, 2010  -  8:16 PM Reply with quote
I agree about the overall lesson. However, whether Satan is Angel or Jinn mattered to me. A Christian originally posed this question to me and the crux was that Satan was a "Fallen Angel". I come from a Christian family background and always had difficulty with Satan being an Angel. I always felt that Allah created the Angels perfect with perhaps limited knowledge and with specific functions. Jinn have been allotted free will no? Thusly, they can "decide" to NOT obey Allah. Which Satan obviously did.

I want to express that although sometimes a question or the relevance that question poses to one may not pose or even seem worthy to another. I am a convert and must say that the Quran has answered many if not all of the religious and faith based questions I ever had. The Quran is my anchor unlike the Bible could never be. So, questions that are posed sometimes can come from what we have been conditioned to believe from another faith that has been drilled into us as concrete with no other reason other than someone said so. Islam demands proof and we are now taught to ask that proof as well as clarification which is a new experience for many. It is refreshing since many of us hear..."It's what our family believes dear" and that is not good enough any more as a Muslim.
I appreciate all of the posts that people took the time to write down and express their views. This time it comes from Brothers and Sisters and not just because someone said so, which to me as a convert means a great deal. Thank you all for taking the time to post. Salams.

Posted - Friday, March 19, 2010  -  10:51 AM Reply with quote

...... Allah says clearly in Qur'an that Satan will have no final control or power on God's true slaves.....
Shehzads, would you mind giving reference such as chapter, Verse number etc. if not an authentic translation.

........Islam demands proof and we are now taught to ask that proof as well as clarification which is a new experience for many. It is refreshing since many of us hear..."It's what our family believes dear" and that is not good enough any more as a Muslim........
Jazakallahu khair Sofian.

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