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Posted - Saturday, August 21, 2010  -  11:58 AM Reply with quote
You don't gain respect by wearing hijab but by your actions, your integrity and upright character. There is a big discussion on the women's forumby the name of Niqaab you will find quotes from the Quran everything and can come to your own conclusions. In the end my favorite

Would You Permit Me?

Nizar Kabbani

في بلاد يغتال فيها المفكرون، ويكفر الكاتب
وتحرق الكتب، في مجتمعات ترفض الآخر، وتفرض الصمت على الافواه والحجر على الافكار،
وتكفر اي سؤال، كان لابد ان استأذنكم ان تسمحوا لي..
In a country where thinkers are assassinated, and writers are considered infidels and books are burnt, in societies that refuse the other, and force silence on mouths and thoughts forbidden, and to question is a sin, I must beg your pardon, would you permit me?
فهل تسمحون لي
ان اربي اطفالي كما اريد، وألا تملوا علي
اهواءكم واوامركم؟
Would you permit me to bring up my children as I want, and not to dictate on me your whims and orders?
هل تسمحون لي
ان اعلم اطفالي ان الدين لله اولا، وليس
للمشايخ والفقهاء والناس؟
Would you permit me to teach my children that the religion is first to God, and not for religious leaders or scholars or people?
هل تسمحون لي
ان اعلم صغيرتي ان الدين هو اخلاق وأدب وتهذيب
وامانة وصدق، قبل ان اعلمها بأي قدم تدخل الحمام وبأي يد تأ3ل؟
Would you permit me to teach my little one that religion is about good manners, good behaviour, good conduct, honesty and truthfulness, before I teach her with which foot to enter the bathroom or with which hand she should eat?
هل تسمحون لي
ان اعلم ابنتي ان الله محبة، وانها تستطيع ان
تحاوره وتسأله ما تشاء، بعيدا عن تعاليم أي أحد؟
Would you permit me to teach my daughter that God is about love, and she can dialogue with Him and ask Him anything she wants, far away from the teachings of anyone?
هل تسمحون لي الا اذكر عذاب القبر لاولادي،
الذين لم يعرفوا ما هو الموت بعد؟
Would you permit me not to mention the torture of the grave to my children, who do not know about death yet?
هل تسمحون لي
ان اعلم ابنتي اصول الدين وادبه واخلاقه، قبل
ان افرض عليها الحجاب؟
Would you permit me to teach my daughter the tenets of the religion and its culture and manners, before I force on her the "Hijab" (the veil)?
هل تسمحون لي
ان اقول لابني الشاب ان ايذاء الناس وتحقيرهم
لجنسيتهم ولونهم ودينهم، هو ذنب كبير عند الله؟
Would you permit me to tell my young son that hurting people and degrading them because of their nationality, colour or religion, is considered a big sin by God?
هل تسمحون لي
ان اقول لابنتي ان مراجعة دروسها والاهتمام بتعليمها
انفع واهم عند الله من حفظ آيات القرآن عن ظهر قلب دون تدبر معانيها؟
Would you permit me to tell my daughter to revising her homework and paying attention to her learning is considered by God as more useful and important than learning by heart Ayahs from the Quran without knowing their meaning?
هل تسمحون لي
ان اعلم ابني ان الاقتداء بالرسول الكريم يبدأ
بنزاهته وامانته وصدقه، قبل لحيته وقصر ثوبه؟
Would you permit me to teach my son that following the footsteps of the Honourable Prophet begins with his honesty, loyalty and truthfulness, before his beard or how short his thobe (long shirt/dress) is?
هل تسمحون لي
ان اقول ل7بنتي ان صديقتها المسيحية ليست
كافرة، والا تبكي خوفا عليها من دخول النار؟
Would you permit me to tell my daughter that her Christian friend is not an infidel, and ask her not to cry fearing her friend will go to Hell?
هل تسمحون لي
ان اجاهر، ان الله لم يوكل احدا في الارض بعد الرسول لان يتحدث باسمه
ولم يخول احدا بمنح 'صكوك الغفران' للناس؟
Would you permit me to argue, that God did not authorize anyone on earth after the Prophet to speak in his name nor did he vest any powers in anyone to issue "deeds of forgiveness" to people?
هل تسمحون لي
ان اقول، ان الله حرم قتل النفس البشرية، وان
من قتل نفسا بغير حق كأنما قتل الناس جميعا، وانه لا يحق لمسلم ان يروع مسلما؟
Would you permit me to say, that God has forbidden killing the human spirit, and who kills wrongly a human being is as if he killed all human kind, and no Moslem has the right to frighten another Moslem?
هل تسمحون لي
ان اعلم اولادي ان الله اكبر واعدل وارحم من
كل فقهاء الارض مجتمعين؟ وان مقاييسه تختلف عن مقاييس المتاجرين بالدين، وان
حساباته أحن وارحم؟
Would you permit me to teach my children that God is greater, more just, and more merciful than all the (religious) scholars on earth combined? And that his standards are different from the standards of those trading the religion, and that his accountability is kinder and more merciful?

هل تسمحون لي
Would you permit me?

نزار قباني
Nizar Kabbani

Posted - Saturday, August 21, 2010  -  4:45 PM Reply with quote
great poem...

secondly if you r pointing towards my "respect " comments.....

please be informed that I agree with you 100% in this regard....

what I wanted to clarify was "being center of attention"...

I meant God does not forbid if a woman would become center of attention....

it depends on the reason behind it....

if she becomes centre of attention for any good reason like being a teacher, intellectual, scientist or even being decent and modest in dressing.....then Quran has no objection in it.....

God knows better...

Edited by: safimera on Saturday, August 21, 2010 4:46 PM

Posted - Sunday, August 22, 2010  -  12:07 AM Reply with quote
safimera, pastway there is no need for Ijtehad for dressing for both men and women. Quran is very clear about it. both are required to dress modestly cover their sexual organs and observe modesty in behavior and understanding gender interaction.

Modesty and covering sexual organs is the base line now where you live you can wear what ever you have been wearing and if you want guidance from Quran then this is what you will get.


this is part of a series of videos where you will find knowledge and maybe find answers to some of your questions.

Posted - Monday, August 23, 2010  -  6:10 PM Reply with quote

I need to understand this better any one for themselves can exercise this judgement even if it differs from age old interpretation or opinion? or is it only for a new situation on which you cannot find any guidance?
Actually I was giving the reply of ur Q when light went.
I've not understood ur Q properly. wud u plz rephrase it for me again. thanks

Posted - Tuesday, August 24, 2010  -  9:10 AM Reply with quote

but if the words of Hazrat Mu'aaz bin Jabal "I will exercise my judgement’ are taken in the way the were spoken then every1 can do Ijtihad for him/herself on the basis of the limited that he/she has.
The Strict and Hard conditions that have been applied for Ijtihad n Mujtahid are on the basis that an opinion based on Ijtihad becomes part of the Sharee'ah whereas that opinion is only for the person who has made it and for those who accept it and agree w it's reasoning. Others will act upon some other opinion on that matter. there's no binding for any1 about any Ijtihad.

Salam Ibrahim sahab thank you for your kind remarks and taking time out to answer my query. I wanted to know if Ijtehad can only be done for issues which are new or not been touched upon or can we redo or do it again for issues on which Ijtehad had been done but a long time ago.

Edited by: saba2 on Tuesday, August 24, 2010 9:22 AM

Posted - Wednesday, August 25, 2010  -  5:16 PM Reply with quote
W Salaam Saba jee! u r always welcome. here is my opinion about ur Qs:

Ijtihad is always related to those issues where we've no direct guidence in Quran & Sunnah. They may be absolutely new or there may have been given some opinions already about them.

As no Ijtihad can ever have the status of Sharee'ah so they can be redone as many times as needed.

Am I able to clear the point for U dear sister?

Posted - Thursday, August 26, 2010  -  2:55 PM Reply with quote
I do understand it now thank you Ibrahim sahab so why dont we do Ijtehad now?What has stopped us from dialog from discussing or plain talking to each other? I know you are very busy with your work but please a very humble request keep visiting the forums and taking part in the discussions and giving guidance where needed.

Posted - Thursday, August 26, 2010  -  3:14 PM Reply with quote
Thank God. U r most welcome always. Ok boss! I'lltry myh best to follow your instructions. luckily I'm a bit free these days but God knows for how many days!
Sister! ijtihad is done these days too. Some ppl do it in a limited way, some allow only recommended persons to do it. Is there any special issue where u ijtihad is needed in ur opinion?
when one doesn't know the reasoning behind the opinion that he/she following how can he/she talk to the other person. what will be discussed? so u r right that Dialog is the need of the hour and it can only be done when one knows the basis oh the adopted opinion.
Isn't it like that BOSS!

Posted - Thursday, August 26, 2010  -  3:33 PM Reply with quote
How can one know the reason behind what you follow in a culture or society where personal opinion and questioning is frowned upon from childhood. Maybe dialog might coax people to think to reason and to question or try to understand the reason behind what they are following my respected X boss.
I am interested in knowing what have the scholars to say about human cloning ?

It was humble a request not instructions.

Posted - Thursday, August 26, 2010  -  3:46 PM Reply with quote
U r 1000% right Boss & not bcoz that "boss is always right"

sis! ur Humble Req. is like an instruction for me!

come on! it's just a respect for U that U desrve. pl don't take it in a litteral sense!

Posted - Thursday, August 26, 2010  -  4:03 PM Reply with quote
My job is being a boss from morning to afternoon and "boss is always right" but evening onwards I am not a boss and hate being bossy. Respect is earned and if I have earned that respect from you I am glad and thank you.

Posted - Thursday, August 26, 2010  -  4:18 PM Reply with quote
Okay Mam!
I'm happy that I made U glad! u r welcome.
So good night! go to bed now!

Posted - Thursday, August 26, 2010  -  8:29 PM Reply with quote
I'm so sorry that I have been out of the discussion . . . my regular campus classes started this week and it's been a little crazy around here!

saba2 - Thank you very much for sharing that poem; I hope you do not mind, but I would like to share it at our Multicultural Center here in town, as I think it would give the people in our area some very valuable insights into the true meaning of Islam. And I'll read that thread, thank you!

safimera - I will have to get the book out of the library again that had the chapter on the coffee debate in early Islam, so that I can accurately cite who said what; I apologize that I do not trust my memory enough to quote names accurately. I do understand what you are saying about respect being a possible (and I would hope desired) outcome from wearing the hijab, but I was unfortunately thinking of the possibility of the attention gained being harassment or even violence, a very real possibility here in America to my great disgust. Just as an example, last week a New York cab driver had his throat cut for being Muslim . . .


. . . though I guess, in retrospect (and again, please excuse my innocence in these matters) that would be more "jihad", wouldn't it, to struggle and endure against such prejudice?

Posted - Friday, August 27, 2010  -  11:40 AM Reply with quote
Ah! Trust in Allah to provide answers when one is patient, once again the answer is in the Qu'ran and I had missed it, but thanks to the classes offered here it was right in the next unit of the class I am taking . . . hijrah. It makes much more sense, now!

Posted - Friday, August 27, 2010  -  12:37 PM Reply with quote
Thanks for responding to my topic. I am sorry that I kicked off the discussion and then vanished. I had gotten derailed with some other engagements.Inshallah now I will be regular.
Now we come to subject of Ijtihad. There are two extreme views about Ijtihad in Muslim Ummah. On the one hand some people advocate the revision of the fundamentals of al-shariah,based on the clear directives of Quran and Sunnah and on the other hand some people say that there is no need of ijtihad today and thus they have banged the door of ijtihad shut.These are two extremes. We must tread between these two extremes.

Posted - Friday, August 27, 2010  -  6:41 PM Reply with quote
Pastway you are welcome to share the poem you can also look up videos at this site to understand and share information.

aslammir good to have you back "Ijtihad is always related to those issues where we've no direct guidence in Quran & Sunnah. They may be absolutely new or there may have been given some opinions already about them.As no Ijtihad can ever have the status of Sharee'ah so they can be redone as many times as needed." This is the opinion i got from Mr. Ibrahim

I was looking for more material and this is an interesting paper I found on this website http://www.msulawreview.org/PDFS/2006/6/Goolam.pdf
"some people advocate the revision of the fundamentals of al-shariah,based on the clear directives of Quran and Sunnah and on the other hand some people say that there is no need of ijtihad today and thus they have banged the door of ijtihad shut.These are two extremes. We must tread between these two extremes." I think this is a very tricky and difficult question, it is a very heavy responsibility and must be considered very carefully. In what situations or cases do you feel Ijtehad should be done ?

Edited by: saba2 on Friday, August 27, 2010 6:45 PM

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