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Topic initiated on Tuesday, April 26, 2005  -  2:14 PM Reply with quote

I was reading this news story about Afghanistan. Makes me so sad:


Here are some points:

Alcohol has become lucrative but it has also become a sore point between foreigners here and many locals. Afghanistan has struck an uneasy balance between law and practicality. The constitution bans alcohol, but foreigners are allowed to drink it.

The growing number of bars and restaurants symbolizes the power of the estimated 2,000 foreign workers in Kabul

Police shut down 11 clubs, accusing several of doubling as brothels,

Along the road between the cities of Jalalabad and Kabul, several stalls sell Heineken beer openly, near cases of soda.

This is still an Islamic republic, where women are jailed for marrying against family wishes or for adultery.


Under the article, one reader commented:

Sometimes I do not understand these muslims.... They are not supposed to consume alcohol but they can practise polygamy and have sex with their own underaged daughters is a OK?


Sadly this is the perception of Islam today in the world - and we Muslims are responsible for letting it be like that. Being Muslims we have a responsibility to be the banner holders of Islam. We are certainly not holding the right banner.

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