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Topic initiated on Sunday, September 28, 2003  -  10:59 PM Reply with quote


Man will be answerable to Allah for everything that was given to him in this life. Let us take an example of someone who pays obligatory and supererogatory charity. After taking this part out of his income, he spends the money he earns on himself. What would now be the limit of his spending on himself? What would now be 'infaaq' with reference to the Quran?

Jhangeer Hanif

Posted - Monday, September 29, 2003  -  7:21 PM Reply with quote
In my humble opinion, no limit/extent can be described as regards spending in the way of Allah. This will vary from person to person.

As far as supererogatory spending is concerned, Every good Muslim should analyze his circumstances and spend in His way what is beyond his needs.

The obligatory spending, Zakah, is well defined and I do not think it would pose any hurdle in ascertaining how much a Mulsim, whoose income/wealth is equal Nisab, is obligated to spend in Allah's way.

Posted - Monday, September 29, 2003  -  10:38 PM Reply with quote
Let me rephrase...

A person 'X' earns a certain amount of money. He takes out obligatory charity out of it. He gives more as supererogatory charity. With the amount left, he buys a, let us say, perfume. He already has a couple of perfumes and doesnt really need a new one. However, he still spends this money on himself. He could have given the money away to somebody who needed it. He himself could have done without a new perfume pretty easily.

This was the amount of money he had more than he necessarily needed. Would he be answerable for spending this money on himself considering the fact the he had already taken out a fixed amount of charity of his income?

Posted - Tuesday, September 30, 2003  -  2:20 AM Reply with quote
Salams! I am very interested in this question but I my self am at a very young age and all I ever spend my money on is SHOPPING!! but I try my best to give money to charity. My philosiphy as a 13 year old is: do the best you can and try your best. I dont think there is a limit to how much money you spend on yourself! so long as it's for all the right reasons! I hope that helped!
xxbasxx SALAMS!!

Razi Allah

Posted - Tuesday, September 30, 2003  -  6:20 AM Reply with quote
As i see it, we first need to differentiate between fulfilling our obligations, the bare minimum that is, and trying to achieve a higher level of piety (Taqwa). As the value system of Islam gets well rooted in our psyche, we would grow in faith and strive to emulate the Prophet's (sws) example more dearly. That being said, the Quran repeatedly exhorts the believers to be charitable not only under normal circumstances but especially when one is in need of money. Having a fixed budget for charity in income is also highly encouraged. All of these are ways to qualify for the highest grades of Paradise.
Specifically in response to your question, i would say that it boils down to the concept of simplicity and the general socio-economic situation of the society. The antithesis of simplicity is extravagance and pomposity. What constitutes extravagance would vary with the social status and income of a person and, again, the prevalent socio-economic conditions. You might be living in a, by and large, affluent society and needlessly spending on a perfume might not be a big deal provided the spirit is not to show off. Hence the spirit with which you are spending your money is critical.
Even while living in a society where poverty is rife, if you have paid Zakah and spent reasonably in charity, you can fulfill your desire of buying a perfume with the right spirit. May be six months down the road, having grown more spiritually, you would want to give away that amount in charity rather than buying a perfume.
In so many words what i am trying to get across is that taqwa is an inner feeling which has its levels and people at different levels would behave differently in your example, without any of them being really wrong.

Posted - Tuesday, September 30, 2003  -  10:48 AM Reply with quote
Thanks. That helped.

Posted - Saturday, April 30, 2005  -  10:50 PM Reply with quote

· And withhold the necessaries of life (107: 7).

· And his wealth will not avail him when he perishes (92: 11).

· Those who spend their property by night and by day, secretly and openly, they shall have their reward from their Lord and they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve. (2: 274)

Posted - Sunday, May 1, 2005  -  9:20 AM Reply with quote

What would now be the limit of his spending on himself?

Dear sister

I wud like to add here that according to Qur'aan there are at least TWO limits in this Regard:

1st is " Israaf " i.e. ONE should NOT spend one's money on one's NEEDS more than REQUIORED. ( He/She him/herself is a better JUDGE for it.)

2nd is "Tabzeer " & it is ONLY a SHOW of WEALTH & Unlimited spending where it was not EVEN required.


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